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5 Key Areas We Should Vote Our Hopes On, Instead Of Our Fears!

Wouldn’t it be nice if our elected officials appealed to us, in an aspirational way, rather than our perceived fears, biases, prejudices, and personal interests? Although to some degree this may be, as it always was, it seems that of late, it has become even more prevalent! Should we not seek, be served and represented, by individuals, prioritizing, coming together, for the greater good, and we seek to emphasize, a meeting of minds, rather than individuals, making empty promises, and using divisive and polarizing rhetoric, and it seems, to avoid personal responsibility, by going back, blaming and complaining to others, denying, and putting your personal/political agenda and self-interest, ahead of the greater good? With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 key areas, what should be of concern, etc.

1. Environment/climate: When some Republicans, instead of making meaningful proposals, on climate issues, accuse President Biden of taking away beef to eat and enjoy, how does that help address the relevant challenges/obstacles? and sustainable, related to the potential ramifications, of continuing, the discouraged, denials and procrastination? Shouldn’t each generation have the obligation/duty to ensure that future generations enjoy clean air, water, etc.? When almost every scientist/expert affirms that it is necessary to act, sooner rather than later, isn’t it dangerous and irresponsible to try to avoid acting, appealing to fears, including economic ones, etc.?

2. Race Relations/Systemic Racism: Almost all objective individuals acknowledge that racism is a recurring problem in this nation, especially as it relates to jobs/employment/income, health care, treatment by the judicial system (of some of the actions/behaviors/attitudes, etc.). to unequal treatment, in the Courts), etc. Instead of focusing on how both parties could come together to make things better and fairer, the official response to President Biden’s recent address to Congress, given by Senator Tim Scott (the only African-American Republican in the Senate), denied that it exists and, he emphasized, what a great job done by President Trump!

3. Unify, versus, polarize: Doesn’t it make sense, more could be achieved, if our officials emphasized, unifying, instead of polarizing? Unfortunately, we have seen, in recent years, a widening of the gap, and less attempt, to seek a bipartisan agreement, for the common good!

4. Real facts versus false facts: When, former President Trump, who, political fact-checkers, claimed, committed the most lies, distortions, and misleading statements, in recent memory, consistently, articulates a message, accusing, any opposition, opposing report/position, etc. ., as false facts and, his main followers, accept his version of reality, how does that help?

5. Fiscal policies/priorities: Hypocrisy, regarding our fiscal policies and/or deficit spending, does little to bring about a necessary meeting of minds for the greater good! This should worry us!

Wake up, America, and demand better service and representation, from those we elect, instead of the same-old, same-old, focus/emphasis on appealing to fears and perceptions, instead of viable solutions! Will you be a better and more responsible vote?


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