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5 supplements against oily skin

On our fronts or t-zones, the gloss is not very attractive.

Packing dabbers and facial sponges in our makeup bags to remove shine is a good place to start, but never forget that balance is key when it comes to well-groomed skin. Let’s explore some other tips for correcting oily skin:

1) Zinc plays a role in many important bodily functions.

By strengthening the immune system, it helps the development and activation of certain white blood cells. It prevents the body from contracting infections. Think of zinc as a mineral that “comes to the rescue” in proper skin care. Another skincare benefit of zinc is that it also acts as a natural insect repellent and natural sunscreen (zinc oxide effectively blocks the sun’s ultraviolet rays).

2) Lactoferrin, a natural defense protein, can help fight microbial infections.

Lactoferrin includes Propionibacterium Acnes, a skin bacteria linked to acne formation. Lactoferrin also provides statistically significant support in diminishing blemishes. Overall, it can help your skin reach an even tone, which qualifies for a less oily palette.

4) Vitamin E, selenium, and zinc are also believed to help reduce inflammation.

Taking a liquid vitamin E capsule, popping and applying the liquid directly to the skin 2-3 times a week is a quick and easy trick to reduce swelling. Rinse and apply moisturizer and you’re done.

5) Antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and the trace mineral selenium, are neutralizers.

By helping neutralize free radicals before they can damage the skin, these antioxidants also nourish the skin. Vitamins C and E have been shown to protect skin against the damaging effects of sun exposure, which can lead to premature aging, and we never want that. By improving the synthesis and production of collagen, they help the skin to maintain its elasticity.

In addition to these 5 tips, also keep this information locked up: Aloe vera, a polysaccharide, plays an important role in immune defense and detoxification, important factors for healthy-looking skin. Berberis vulgaris, commonly known as barberry, promotes a healthy microbial balance and maintains a healthy histamine release.


* Optimal nutrient intake supports optimal skin health; eat lots of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Get creative and visit local farmers markets to explore new, organic fruits and vegetables you’ve never tried before.

* Wheat germ, whole grains and beans are excellent sources of vitamin B2, which in mild deficiency is associated with oily skin.

* Drink plenty of water; Optimal support for the transport of vitamins and minerals, keeps the skin hydrated and eliminates toxins. Avoid sodas as much as possible.

* Reduce the amount of fat in your diet. When needed, use ultra-pure cold-pressed olive oil. Avoid fast food, especially fried food.

* A diet rich in protein, low in fat, sugar and salt, also helps maintain healthy skin.

Researching and experimenting with what suits your skin plays a key role in discovering the right vitamins, minerals, moisturizers, and diet that will help keep your skin healthy. Happy hunting!


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