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Aquarius lucky days of astrology: when good fortune flows for you

If your date of birth falls between January 21 and February 19, you were born under the astrological sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer. People born under this sign tend to know their basic horoscope. But most of them don’t know that certain days of each month are luckier for them just because they were born Aquarius. Read on and learn when these days are and how you can find out what times each day are the luckiest for you.

The water bearer and the moon

If you were born under Aquarius, a particular phase of the Moon will bring you additional good fortune. This period corresponds to how far out of the date range Aquarius was born. For example, if you were born between January 21 and 28, you will be more fortunate during the days of the new moon. If you were born between January 29 and February 6, you will be luckier during the days when the moon is in its second trimester. If you were born between February 7 and 14, you will have better luck during the full moon season. And finally, if you were born in the last phase of Aquarius between February 15 and 19, you will be more fortunate during the days when the moon is in its fourth quarter.

Aquarius Lucky Days of Numerology

Two numbers are needed to find Aquarius’ lucky days for each month: the sign’s celestial number, which is (8), and the numerical value of the sign’s ruling planet, Uranus, which turns out to be (4). The sum of these two numbers gives us the sum of (12), which is then reduced to a single digit by Fadic addition. That single digit is a (3). Therefore, the number (3) is especially lucky for people born under Aquarius, and it makes those days of the month whose day value is also reduced to (3) days of good fortune for them. These lucky days are the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of each month. And since three is a good luck number for Aquarians, they should always try to play this number in games of chance. The Blackjack casino game, with a total winnings of (21), a value that is reduced to three, is almost always lucky for these people.

Lucky hours for water carriers

As stated above, the ruling planet of Aquarius is Uranus. People born under the sign of Aquarius will tend to have more luck each day when the planet Uranus rules the sky. To determine what hours fall into this category, use the table below and remember that the first hour of each day begins at sunrise.

Sunday: Water carriers have their best luck during the 3, 10, 17 and 24 hours after sunrise.

Monday: Water carriers have their best luck during the 7th, 14th and 21st hours after sunrise.

Tuesday: Water carriers have their best luck during 4, 11 and 18 hours after sunrise.

Wednesday: Water carriers have their best luck during the 5, 12 and 19 hours after sunrise.

Thursday: Water carriers have their best luck during the 2, 9, 16 and 23 hours after sunrise.

Friday: Water carriers have their best luck during 6, 13 and 20 hours after sunrise.

Saturday: Water carriers have their best luck during the hours 1, 8, 15 and 22 after sunrise.

Choosing a companion for Aquarius

To bring good fortune when working in society, Aquarians must choose a person who has a sign complementary to theirs. People born under Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius will be excellent partners for Aquarians.


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