
The Perfect Tech Experience

Digital Marketing

Avoid Monte Carlo Marketing

What do you do if you want to find the area of ​​a strange shape?

I’m sure you can calculate the area of ​​a rectangle: length times width. Circles and triangles are also easy.

Hexagons, parallelograms – as long as it’s simple, you’ll have a rule for it.

But if you put a random, chaotic blob on a piece of paper, how do you measure it?

An easy strategy is the Monte Carlo method:

Place random (and it has to be really random) dots on the page. Count how many dots are inside the shape. Divide that by the total number of points and you get the ratio of shape to white space.

It works to calculate the area.

However, it is terrible for marketing.

If your marketing strategy is haphazard, you will spend a lot of time and money without getting results.

Or results so insignificant that they make you question your business savvy.

It’s not you, it’s the inevitable result of Facebook ads, Twitter ads, Google ads, email exchanges, print media, flyers…

“But William,” you say, “of course my marketing isn’t random.”

Do you have a marketing strategy, pendo?

If not, it can also be drawn from quantum physics.

Sure, you can try things. You can experiment and see what works. You can even dive into a dozen different marketing mediums to see what works.

The test is good.

But it’s not random if the tests align with your strategy.

You could (wisely) decide to dive into email marketing. You may have heard the honest truth that emails are a great way to build a relationship and sell, all while avoiding the undesirable privacy violations and de-platform risk that comes with social media.

So you create a snippet to include them in your list.

So start emailing them.

But which fragment will they respond to?

What emails will they read?

How often should you send them?

You can experiment and try some things. But think about how scientists experiment. They don’t try random things. They come up with intriguing ideas and notice interesting things, then follow up on them.

The use of inductive logic, based on observations and creating theories to explain them.

Or deducing, based on theories and predicting what they are going to see.

They don’t really like whatever it is and hope for the best, not the smart ones, anyway.

Email marketing is exactly the same way. You need to start with your market and then build your offer, not the other way around.

Being too random is for hobbyists, not business professionals.


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