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Book of Faith: 3 steps to reach the goal of making a scrapbook of your faith

Goals, goals, goals, you hear about them everywhere, especially at the beginning of the year. Throughout the year, it seems that TV infomercials have the solutions for your goals.

Whether you want to lose weight, increase your finances, or create a book about God’s presence in your life, generally all you have to do is follow these three steps. Look at them.

Step 1. Determine what you want to do (your goal)

What is your goal? Is it to lose weight, increase your finances, or create a spiritual legacy? Most of us have the first two goals at some point in our lives.

However, fewer people will feel the call or the desire to create a scrapbook about their faith.

But, the Bible tells us, “But beware! Be very careful never to forget what you have seen the Lord do for you. Do not let these things slip from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren”. Deuteronomy 4:9 (New Living Translation)

Since you are reading this article, you most likely want to pass on to your children and grandchildren the things that God has done in your life. He wants to create his spiritual legacy to influence the lives of his loved ones and those who will follow him.

Your goals may include:

* Create a scripture scrapbook

* Assembly of a Christmas book

* Create a travel scrapbook.

* Make designs that include stories of Faith in your life

* Combine images, scriptures, prayers and faith stories

Step #2 Decide how to do it

Think about your goals. What are the ways you can achieve this? For goals about losing weight or increasing your finances, you can start by Googling your area of ​​interest.

When creating a scrapbook about your Christian faith, you can start the same way. Search for specific scriptures through http://www.BibleStudyTools.com.

Once you’ve collected your information, you’re ready to take action.

Step #3 Act

To achieve any goal, we have to take action.

It’s almost embarrassing how many “fit fitness” DVDs I’ve collected over the years. Notice the word “collected.” Without using these videos they are worthless. They just collect dust.

Maybe you think you’ve found the answer to becoming healthier. You ordered “Healthy-Me Product”. When he arrives, he starts wearing the “Healthy-Me” kit, rubs “Healthy-Me” cream on his body, and reads the “Healthy-Me” diet book.

OK, so that may be a bit silly. But this little example describes taking action. However, if you’re like me, maybe at some point in your life you bought an item and never used it. You never took action on the goal you had for that product.

Let’s face it, sometimes getting started is the hard part.

I have found one thing that helps me: pray before I start my project.

When creating the physical book, you can start by selecting the photos you want to use, or special writing, or writing a story about something you know God has done in your life.

So now, when you have prayed through, put one foot in front of the other and take action!

You have permission to copy this article if you keep everything as written in its entirety and include the closing signature intact with the website and the “right to copy” sentence.

Scripture quotations marked (New Living Translation) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, ©1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL 60189. All rights reserved.


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