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Working in Dubai: A Guide for Job Seekers

People from all over the world flock to the United Arab Emirates in the hope of getting a job and building a better future. However, it is not always a quick or easy process. Job seekers coming to Dubai should…

Sales Management: 7 Exciting Ways to Boost Your Sales

What is sales management? For an employer, that means learning how to effectively hire, train, and manage people for a sales team. For a sole proprietor, that means managing all aspects of selling products and services. Read on to find…

How to look sexy and stylish with a short party dress

Regarding the prom night story, there is no official account on record. But the resonant beliefs and tales are related to the traditional dance nights. Years ago these events were not as grand as they are today. These were not…

Religion: the great curse of humanity

Religion is a curse placed on humanity by criminal control freaks. Man has no real use for religion. He is not a tool for peace, but a tool used by the worst mental criminals to subdue, exploit and control masses…

The 20 minute plan adds meditation to your personal development, reduces stress and improves sleep

Meditation is a form of relaxation that can prevent and reduce stress, help you sleep better, ease depression, and give you a new and better perspective. We all need to be self-aware and meditation is a natural way to develop….

How to Get a Reliable Debt Consolidation Loan Provider When You Have Bad Credit

Having bad credit is unfortunate and unavoidable, especially during the global economic crisis. In fact, it is challenging to search for a debt consolidation loan when you have bad credit. However, finding a good lender is not impossible if you…

Seductive Nudity Tips: How To Strip To Impress

Do you want to know how to get naked but feel too shy, timid or insecure? Do you feel like it’s only for professional strippers or women with amazing bodies? Think again. All women can use a few simple steps…

The explosion of African-American literature on the web

JA Rogers wrote a book called “The 100 Amazing Facts About Black,” and it was far from making the bestseller list. The work of the young author was prohibited in some places. Some libraries refused to carry it, the book’s…

The dangers of drowsy driving

Driving requires motorists to remain alert and attentive. When drivers are tired, they often lose their ability to drive. As such, drowsy driving puts drivers at greater risk of causing accidents. In fact, studies show that people who drive while…

the history of golf

Golf as we know it was invented in Scotland, but its roots go back to Flanders. The first record of “Chole” is from 1353 and portrays something that could be described as a mix between hockey and golf played in…