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Civil War novel, Dawn Drums, a brilliant read

Robert Walton’s Dawn Drums, a Civil War historical novel, is nothing short of superb. Perhaps this is because “historical” really is an apt description of the work, along with compelling and unforgettable characters straight out of history and other characters so real that readers will be shocked to discover they’re fictional.

May 1864 was perhaps the most terrible month of the Civil War. Dawn Drums begins at this pivotal moment, and his action closely coincides with the sesquicentennial of the events it narrates. Told by the voices of Abraham Lincoln, Clara Barton, Almira Martin, General Grant, and a host of other Civil War participants, including a small group of black “bootlegs,” Robert Walton’s narrative offers an utterly unique and riveting insight. of the last Civil War. year.

The idea of ​​combining real life characters with fictional characters is brilliant and superbly pulled off, allowing the author to include information and material that might otherwise have been neglected, important information often missing from history books. In doing so, the historical figures are also personalized, giving the author the opportunity to delve into the personalities and personal lives of these people.

The story, told from the point of view of five main characters, is never confusing, as one might think. The author keeps each character’s point of view under control and masterfully manages the different speech patterns of each character.

A wonderful quality of this book is the attention to detail that is often, if not always, overlooked in historical books. Walton places two of his female characters in battlefield hospitals. No one reading about the appalling medical treatment of wounded soldiers will think of war, any war, as an opportunity again, regardless of how advanced emergency battlefield care is today.

Another attractive quality of this novel is that it is totally suitable for young adult readers. And as a former teacher, Walton knows what he’s doing about it. The historical information in the novel is compelling and completely accurate, and the plot is not only extremely engaging, but also highly educational. Having a novel like this available to supplement a high school history class cannot be recommended enough.

Walton provides a substantial bibliography that adds to the historical authenticity and credibility of the book.

Not enough can be said about this truly remarkable Civil War novel. Young and old adult readers alike will find the book fascinating, informative, and an eye-opening look at a war that is too often overlooked.

Dawn Drums will allow readers to clearly understand the terrible war that divided a nation. Despite the horror and savagery of the Civil War, the main characters of this gripping historical novel emerge as heroes who, even today, remain inspiring and noble.


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