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Common causes of infection

It is common for us to get sick due to an infection. Whether it is a viral attack or some form of disease infecting our body, all of these external agents can make us sick unless we do something about it. You will be surprised that there are so many common infection causes that we have to deal with in our daily life. Therefore, it is important to understand and treat it before it gets us down.

An infection is defined as a pathological state or a manifestation of diseases in a certain part of the body. It is due to the external invasion of pathogenic or disease-causing microorganisms. Human and animal bodies will respond adversely when these foreign organisms colonize and attack their bodies. In reality, a war is going on when there is an infection and it is between the host organisms and the foreign invading organisms. When the host organisms lose the battle, infection occurs. Invading organisms come in the form of viruses or bacteria.

Common causes of infections

A staph infection is a condition in which the body is attacked by bacteria called staphylococcus aureus. The symptom is always characterized by pus-filled pockets or abscesses in the infected area. Symptoms include pain and swelling for the infected person. To prevent this type of infection, proper hygiene is required. Always wash your hands before eating or showering with germicidal soap and clean water after your hospital visit.

Urinary tract infection is another infection of the urinary system. It is also caused by certain bacteria entering the urinary tract. If this infection is not treated on time, it could lead to bladder infection and even worse, kidney infection. This can, in the worst case, lead to kidney failure in the long term. This disease is more common in women than in men due to the difference in body structure. However, it can be prevented by knowing the causes of this infection. Drinking plenty of water is of great help for this type of infection.

Inner ear infection is a type of infection that is also known as labyrinthitis. It is an infection of the inner ear known as labyrinth. This infection is mainly caused by other viral infections like flu and cold. Sometimes it is also caused by accumulated water entering the inner ear. This infection requires immediate attention from a professional.

Kidney infection is a progressive state of urinary tract infection. This is the third stage of the untreated UTI. The second stage is the bladder infection. This can also be caused by other conditions such as pregnancy, cancer, and kidney stones. A person with a kidney infection experiences a fever with chills, nausea, and vomiting. Upset stomach and lower back pain are common symptoms of this infection.

Lastly, a yeast infection is a type of fungal infection that is also known as yeast infection. This fungus depends on a living host in order to survive. The fungus is commonly present in the human digestive tract where it is harmless. However, when the person’s immune system is weakened, an infection will occur on the mucous membranes and on the skin.

Do you have or experience any of these types of infection? Learn more and seek necessary medical attention before it gets worse. There can be many causes of infection, but through proper hygiene and health awareness, you will definitely keep your body well away from these infections.


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