
The Perfect Tech Experience

Digital Marketing

Covid-19 Email Responses to Use Now

In my continuing blog series on how to handle sales deadlocks, objections, and real-world situations caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, below are some suggested email responses to situations you may be encountering. .

A couple of things to remember about this challenging time:

1) Don’t pressure people at this time. The challenges your prospects go through are the same as you. If now is not a good time for them, respect it! Worry about how they are doing and ask them how they are doing.

2) Stick to the deadlines they are giving you, and then schedule a “sign-in only” call at a suggested time.

3) Gently remind them that this situation is temporary and point out the progress countries such as China, South Korea and Japan are making to reduce the spread of the virus.

4) Suggest, again gently, that you will communicate again in the next few weeks …

Here are some emails you may receive and some suggested words for your responses:

Lead email n. 1:

Dear …

“I have no updates on your proposal because our offices are closed and we are all working remotely. Frankly, this is not a priority for us right now …”


“Thank you for answering me during these difficult times! I hope you and your family are safe …

“I’ll talk to you again in a couple of weeks just to see how you’re doing.

“Until then, be fine!”

Lead email n. 2:

Dear …

“Sorry for my lack of response, but it was insane here!

“At the moment, we have decided to focus on our current market and we are not going to look for different markets at this time.

“While I really liked what it had to offer, our board has made the decision to wait for anything new until the coronavirus is resolved.

“I’ll keep in touch as things change …”


“Thank you for staying in touch with me. Yes, this is an unfamiliar and developing situation, so I fully understand your company’s decision to focus on the local market for now.

“Things will change, as you know, for example, China has already been able to stop the spread of this (as has South Korea), and I feel like this will continue (I hope so!).

“We’re going to hit base in a couple of weeks just to compare notes. How does next Tuesday April 7 sound to you?”

Lead email n. 3:

“Dear …

“I have received your emails …

“We’ve looked at your company before, and other vendors like yours, and we just haven’t seen your type of solution work for us.

Also, we are in the midst of a crisis here, as you can imagine, so we are not considering anything new like this for now.

“I hope you understand.”


NOTE: The red flag that “they’ve looked at your company before” and “we just haven’t seen your type of solution work for us …” is something to keep in mind when deciding whether or not this is a real solution. . suitable for your company or service …

My answer would be:

“Thank you for your email and I fully understand that these are times of crisis. I hope you are coping well.

“I will be contacting you next month just to assess how your overall business is progressing, and how you are doing personally.

“In the meantime, wait and wash your hands. (Insert a smiley emoji if you want)”.

Lead email n. 4:

“Dear …

“This is a terrible time for people in our market to make any kind of purchasing decision, as they have to travel to work with us. Therefore, we are not interested at this time …”


“Thank you for your email and I hope you and your family are doing well.

“Interestingly, our market research shows us that people go online these days even more than usual. I suppose they have a lot of free time at home. (Insert a smiley emoji if you like).

“Anyway, this situation is expected to pass as governments take it upon themselves to test and quarantine their populations, as have China, South Korea and Japan. The spread there has slowed considerably. .

“As things start to get back to normal, I’d love to reconnect with you to assess your plans for the third and fourth quarters. Would next month be a good time to reconnect?

“Let me know and be fine …”

The thing to remember with all of these emails is that you are acknowledging the situations they are dealing with (we are all dealing with) and yet you are also suggesting time frames to get back in touch with them. By doing so, you stay in control of the sales situation.

As always, tailor these responses to your product, service, and company, and be sure to be empathetic while using basic sales skills to help promote communication and selling.

And stay safe out there!


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