
The Perfect Tech Experience


Flying With Monkey Delta – Five Secrets For Flying Like a Monkey

Flying With Monkey Delta

The Monkey is an excellent small scale electric RC plane. It’s a great intro to electric RC flying and can be flown indoors on a flat, level field. The electric motor is so small that it can be placed away from the cockpit, so there is no worry about messy sparks or a possible explosion with a short circuit. This leaves more room for you to focus on getting good flight times and to perfect your technique. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your flying with Monkey.

The first tip is to make sure your hands are set firmly on the controls. You don’t want to be tempted to wiggle them as you’re flying. Your confidence and experience will be tested the first time you try to land this aircraft. If you have spent any time at all flying an electric RC airplane, you should easily be able to transition to the handling of a traditional radio control. Your body will learn to recognize the difference in weight transfer and control response.

Flying monkey delta 8

The second tip is to develop good timing. The key is to maintain the right pitch on the tail of your plane throughout your flight. Continue to do this until you can comfortably move your arms and the plane smoothly through turns. After you’ve developed good feel for turning the controls, then spend some time practicing your steering.

Five Secrets For Flying Like a Monkey

The third tip is to build flying confidence. The best way to get into the mood for flying is to have someone you trust with you on board. Someone who is a trusted flyer will quickly pick up your enthusiasm. Don’t think that you can do it alone. A little practice and patience will go a long way.

The fourth tip is also related to flying. Keep your eyes on the prize and do not give in to distractions. When I’m on my Monkey, I rarely hear other pilots in the area. If they notice me they will probably come over to ask me something or ask me to fly out. It keeps me focused on my mission and it also prevents boredom.

The fifth tip relates to attitude. Always remain calm and collected no matter what. Anger leads to panic leads to increased risk. Stay cool and collected and you’ll be much happier when things go wrong.


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