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Glass Cabinet Knobs Get A Renaissance

Glass cabinet knobs were once extremely popular. Using a technique perfected in the early 1800s, millions of glass knobs made their way into homes, beginning in the 1920s and continuing to be popular until roughly the 1950s.

It’s funny how things keep turning in the world of fashion. Everything old turns new again and glass cabinet knobs are back in fashion after years of being out of style. It should come as no surprise that glass cabinet knobs are back in fashion, offering homeowners a stunning look that is way above and beyond the metal, porcelain, or wood knobs that dominate the market.

In the first wave of popularity, glass knobs were a necessity, as a country at war demanded every ounce of metal to fuel the manufacture of weapons to defeat the enemy. Glass was not so much the first option, but the only option, as it was one of the few materials that was not rationed during the war.

Today, antique glass knobs are very expensive to acquire. They are highly appreciated by homeowners and collectors, especially those owners who have a period home and want to restore it to its original condition.

That doesn’t mean glass cabinet knobs are out of reach for homeowners today. While original knobs made of glass can cost upwards of $ 100, newly made knobs are priced competitively with other knobs, from $ 2.50 and up, depending on style, color, and design complexity.

Glass cabinet knobs come in all colors, shapes, and sizes these days. While clear glass is always popular, you can get nice buttons in cobalt blue, amber, red, purple, green; the list goes on. The same goes for the shape. Round is a perennial favorite, but you can also get hexagonal, ribbed, oval, and even square. And if you have a combination of knobs and pulls, you can often find matching pulls in glass as well.

The original glass knobs generally had six, eight, or even 12 facets, much like a diamond. Modern manufacturing techniques allow designers to go off the grid when it comes to design, so you’ll see a lot more variation these days.

That’s a good thing, as even contemporary cabinets in the bathroom or kitchen can benefit from glass cabinet knobs. Of course, glass knobs look fabulous in a traditional kitchen or one with Victorian, artisan or country inspired design elements, as they can recall a simpler time.

Care must be taken to keep these knobs clean. Without regular cleaning, fingerprints, grime, and grime can build up and begin to lose their radiant, reflective beauty. However, cleaning them is simple. A regular glass cleaner that you use on your windows and a soft cloth should work just fine. Avoid abrasive cleaners as they will scratch the glass surface.

When shopping for glass knobs for your home, be sure to buy a few extras. Glass can crack and chip and while rare, you can’t really repair glass. While experts recommend repairing old glass with epoxy, you will get a much better result if you simply replace a broken, chipped, or cracked knob with a new one. Having a few extras makes this easy and will keep your cabinets looking beautiful for years to come.

As always, you may want to start looking for glass knobs for your cabinet online where there is a superior selection. Local home improvement and interior design stores will have a smaller selection, which can also be limited in terms of designs, as they are intended to appeal to a mass market. Shopping online allows you to locate those rare jewels that will make your cabinets unique.


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