
The Perfect Tech Experience


How do you get people to follow you on Twitter?

The following are five steps to get more followers on Twitter:

  1. Follow as many people as possible Some would argue with this point, however the value of this is important. Pick people who sound interesting to follow. You will find yourself clicking on their tweets because there is sure to be something interesting for you. In turn, people feel compelled to follow you or, as a courtesy, will follow you. You will gain followers this way. However, if they don’t follow you, don’t take it personally. Not everyone agrees with this method.
  2. Create a profile with your interests Make sure you’ve included your hobbies or interests, as well as whatever it is you’re promoting, in your profile. People will follow according to their interests. They can also search by category on Twitter, so if you’ve put in your profile, for example, that you’re an avid novel reader, someone could type “books” into the search category and find you.
  3. “Follow me on twitter Make sure you have this app on every blog and website you own. Just Google to find a good graphical Twitter button that you can use for free. Also, you can get your own Twitter Widget from Twitter to insert into your web pages.
  4. Create good tweets If you tweet good content, other tweeters will notice and may retweet your information to their followers. In turn you can get more followers this way. You can also create a small URL of a web page that is important to you and tweet that too. I think I’ll click on these tinyurls if I find them interesting.
  5. #Follow Fridays Believe it or not, Fridays are the days when people promote their followers on Twitter. Make sure you’re on Twitter on Follow Fridays and tweet to your followers. Also, you must have “#FollowFridays” somewhere in your Tweet so others can find your recommendations.


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