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How to escape terrible writer’s block

If you are a writer or have ever had the urge to write something, a report, an essay, a sick note for your child to take to school after a flu attack, you understand the incredible pain and frustration that comes with it. the dreaded affliction known as writer’s block. As an author, dealing with such a test can cause me more trouble than being forced to watch endless hours of reality TV. Like reality TV, particularly any show that features the Kardashians, it’s a surreal, nauseating, and horrible feeling that makes me fear for the future of humanity. Plus, just like any episode of a Kardashian show, which you can turn off with a remote if you’re not paralyzed with ignorance from too much exposure, you can also find ways to prematurely end your dreaded writer’s block.

Now, don’t get the impression that writer’s block is complete paralysis – it’s not like you feel that way. Also, he has not pointed out to you, we ALL have writing blocks from time to time, it is just a difficulty that we must learn to overcome with practice. As author Joseph Heller, who wrote Catch-22, once said: “Every writer I know has trouble writing.”

So what can we do about it, once the dreaded black fog of writer’s block has gummed up our creative juices and minds? How do we get the machine to work again so that the click of the keyboard will sing us a beautiful song again?

The hardest part is getting started. The easiest thing to do when faced with this psychological inhibition is to put off writing. It seems difficult. It seems like there is an enormous amount of time to get to whatever project you want to write about, but the fact is that the longer you put off writing, the longer the frozen writer will remain an uninvited guest taking control of your life. So the first step is to sit down and write. Make a scheme. Draw some pictures related to your piece. You can even sit down and write a few pages of your favorite book just to get started, to start writing and getting motivated. You will be surprised how much that can help you and your brain function. The biggest concern is getting your brain out of the way, because that is hampering the writing process. Self-doubt has crept in and taken over her psyche, so her subconscious huddles into a little ball crying for Mom, refusing to allow even a few words of inspiration to start the process so she can write freely. one more time.

So the trick is that you have to numb the brain until it submits so that you can write naturally. Writing a favorite story is one of many ways to get the ball rolling. By doing this, you write, which moves you in the direction of writing (look what I did there, word games make the brain work too). However, as you write, the story grabs your brain’s attention, so choosing a story you like will help you move on. Your imagination is stimulated and comforted by the story, and your brain relaxes. There are other exercises that can also help you overcome that psychological inhibition.

1. Try music in the background as you type – Again, this will relax you and focus your mind on something else, lose it, and allow you to begin the writing process in a state of relative ease.

2. Try to set a tone in the area you are writing in: When writing, especially when it comes to writer’s block, it is best to choose a quiet and secluded place in which to write. It’s even better to use things like scented candles and artwork to set the mood and stimulate the mind. Again, anything to keep the mind’s attention from being forced to write.

3. Leave it, that’s right, let writer’s block think it’s won. Let the mind drop its guard, thinking that you have abandoned the process. Sometimes ditching your written work for a few days, going out and stimulating, can get your brain going, your heart pounding, and it can help you overcome writer’s block.

Honestly, the catch is, anything that works for you occupies your mind and opens it up for your imagination to flow. Trust me when I say, too, if you find something that works once, that helps you beat writer’s block, it will probably work again if writer’s block ever pays you another unexpected and unwanted visit. So, now that you know how to beat writer’s block like a pro, it’s time to write something. Advance. You can do it. Can’t wait to read it!


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