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How to make a guy think about you all day

It’s a great feeling to know that the man you love is crazy about you. You feel safe, protected and you glow from within, because you know how much he loves you and cares about you. I used to wonder how to have that, and now I do. So here are some of my secrets from how to make a guy think about you all day So that you too can have the romance you’ve dreamed of!

  1. Be funny.
  2. Be mysterious.
  3. Be a challenge.
  4. Be a woman like no other.
  5. Be sexy.

I can’t stress enough how important it is for ALL of these elements to work together on how to keep a guy thinking of you all day. It is vital that you embody all five qualities, because if you do not strive for any of them, you will greatly decrease your chances of keeping your mind on you.

Here’s why and how …

First, guys love to have fun. Plain and simple, there is no way he will think about you all day if you are boring to him. On the contrary, if he had fun with you, he can remember the laughs that you shared together. Being funny is as simple as listening to him and responding to his jokes. Let him take the lead in the conversation, be pleasant, smile and laugh genuinely.

Second, being mysterious makes him curious about you. Do you remember how it feels to be curious about something? It makes you want to know more. Occupy your mind. The way to be mysterious is to talk less. Reveal things about yourself gradually and only if asked. Let him tell you more about himself. Give it a chance to impress you.

Third, men are hardwired to love challenges. Why else do you think they like to risk their lives doing sports? So when you challenge him, he will wonder how to solve the puzzle of conquering your heart and thus thinking about you all day. Still, don’t confuse being a problem with a challenge. Because when you are a problem, he prefers not to think about you completely. Being a challenge means staying busy. Not readily available to him. Make your personal goals and dreams more important than him.

Fourth, you must be different from other women to stand out and get their attention. This does not mean that you should dress or speak strangely. Just accept who you are and don’t be ashamed of your quirks. If he really likes you, your quirks will amuse him and give him something to think about.

Fifth, it is a fact that men think a lot about sex. It is natural and very healthy. So if you want him to think about you all day, you have to be sexy. If she doesn’t find you sexy, there’s no way she wants to think about you all day. Remember that all humans are sexual beings. You have the right to be a sexy woman. And the way to be sexy is to exercise, watch your diet, and wear feminine clothing. There is no need to dress like a whore. When you feel sexy and wear clothes that flatter your figure, he will notice.

The fact is, it takes continuous work on YOURSELF to keep a guy thinking of you all day. Don’t think spending a lot of time with him will keep it on your mind. Work to improve yourself and don’t bother him! That is the last secret of how to make a guy think about you all day.


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