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How to pop a pimple safely

If you’re getting a facial at a salon, part of the process for acne sufferers is the painful removal of the pus that fills most pimples. However, if you’re just doing an at-home treatment, it’s never safe to pop a pimple. There is always the danger of spreading the bacteria that is causing the infection and thus causing more outbreaks. It’s best to let pimples heal on their own to avoid the ugly scars that result from popping them.

However, if the infection is getting out of hand, you cannot let it go unchecked. But you need to do the process correctly for the blowout to be beneficial and heal faster.

It is best to pop a pimple at night. This is because you are already going to bed and the rest will give your skin enough time to recover. You should also pop acne only when you are ready. Clean the surrounding area with a skin toner or astringent and prick the top of the pimples with a needle or safety pin. You can boil the pin or needle in water or soak it in rubbing alcohol to sterilize it. The tiny tip of the needle or safety pin is best for letting the pus out easily without digging too deep into the skin.

Once you’ve made a hole at the top of the blemish, wrap a clean tissue around your fingertips and squeeze the blackhead out the sides. Press down to eject as much as possible. After all the pus has come out, stop squeezing. A sign that you have gone too far is when the acne starts to bleed. You should then wash your face and apply some ice to the area to prevent swelling.


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