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How to remove urine smell from mattresses

One of the most common mattress problems today is the smell of urine. If you have a child at home, this will surely bother you for quite some time. While cleaning a mattress is often a challenge, there are ways to cut down on time and make cleaning easy.

Here are some good tricks you can try at home if you run into this problem:

Trick 1: Alcohol Method
Find the area that requires your attention. This area will be discolored in addition to the smell of urine that permeates. You can try to sterilize the affected area with alcohol. This method is like hitting two birds with one stone. You can remove the smell plus you can disinfect the mattress.

This method works fast to remove the odor. Best of all, it dries pretty quickly, unlike other methods that will require you to spend hours drying your mattress. So if you have time constraints, this method is for you.

Trick 2: Citrus Method
The juice of a citrus fruit will surely remove the smell. You can try lemon, lime, orange or calamansi. What you have at home. Extract the juice and add a little water. Put it in a spray bottle and spray it on the affected area.

It will naturally eliminate urine odor. The citrus smell will last for maybe a few days, so your room will surely smell like summer.

Trick 3: Baking Soda Method
The baking soda trick always works well. Simply get a packet of baking soda and sprinkle some on the affected area. What it does is diffuse the smell and decrease the acidity in the mattress. Urine is acidic so it normalizes your pH level.

After spraying on the affected area, simply rub a little so that the powder can penetrate deeper. Leave it there for a few minutes and then vacuum it up.

Trick 4: Baby Powder Method
If all else fails, try the baby powder method. Just like the trick above, simply sprinkle the powder on the smelly area. Give it a little rub and wait for the smell to go away. Subsequently, vacuum the affected area. Choose your favorite brand of baby powder.

There you have it, the tricks on how to remove urine smell from your mattress. Once you get rid of the smell, you can now sleep comfortably. Try any of these methods if you encounter this problem.


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