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How to restore the foreskin

By reading this article, I assume that you are circumcised and want to restore your foreskin. The topic of foreskin restoration is beginning to attract more and more men’s attention today as men want to get back the skin around the head of the penis that they never had.

Many years ago, circumcision was seen as normal and widely accepted by most people and an obvious choice for most parents. Until the 1970s, 80% of American baby boys were circumcised. In the world we live in today, this figure is much lower, as only 60% of American boys are circumcised, and globally, the average percentage of circumcised men is estimated to be 15%. This drop in circumcision is thought to be because sex and issues related to sexuality have become less of a taboo subject, so people can think a bit more outside the box, and not necessarily believe myths like uncircumcised men are unhygienic.

It is possible to restore your foreskin that will cover your entire penis without surgery or a lot of money and you will also be able to enjoy all the benefits of restored skin. Sex and masturbation can be more enjoyable because the increased skin covering the penis will allow the penis to slide in and out more freely during sex. Also, having the penis covered will keep the penis sensitive and prevent it from drying out. If you ever decided that you wanted to complete a series of natural penis enlargement exercises, it would be much easier because you can slide the skin up and down with ease, thus increasing your size by up to 70%.

Let’s get into one of the many penile restoration exercises…

  1. Get a full erection through gentle massage. Now do 20-30 PC contractions for 5-10 minutes while your penis is full of blood and fully erect. PC contractions are very easy to perform by simply tensing your muscles. The best way to locate this muscle is to urinate and stop midway. To complete the exercise, tense for 10 seconds and then release.
  2. Grasp the skin of your penis firmly at the base with your thumb and forefinger with the hand you feel most comfortable with. Your other fingers (middle, ring, and little) need to be stretched out. Your hand should look like an ‘OK’ sign. Now slide your hand up the shaft of your penis and keep it in contact with the same area of ​​skin (do not move your hand all over the skin of your penis). When you feel the skin really stretching, hold for 10 seconds or until your erection begins to subside.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2. Do this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes every day. Towards the end of each set of exercises, when you have about 5 left, increase the stretch a little more each time. You should stretch the skin towards the head, pulling as far as you can without pain. Remember that you should not feel any pain, maybe some discomfort, but not pain.

Start by doing 20-30 PC contractions every day for 5-10 minutes, then after a few weeks increase the amount to 50 per session and within a few weeks you should start to see your new foreskin develop. In order to be successful in developing a new foreskin, it is very important to remain consistent and focused at all times. 5-10 minutes in 1 day is what is required of you. You will not need equipment, a lot of money, surgery, pills or creams, just the use of your hands.


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