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Importance and Application of Dental Veneers

Are you considering dental veneers? Dental veneers are for those who have discolored, fractured teeth, or if you have teeth that are not very straight. This is a procedure that is becoming more common in dental offices because everyone wants a great smile.

Dental veneers are considered a cosmetic procedure and therefore are not fully covered by many dental insurance companies. In most cases, cosmetic dentistry, if not a medical requirement, is a procedure that you will have to pay entirely for yourself.

A composite or porcelain veneer is made wafer-thin and bonded to your tooth with a special resin. There are typically two types of materials that can be used to create the veneers. Porcelain is one of the most common materials used to fabricate dental veneers today and has always been the material used in the past.

The other material that can be used is composite. Most of the time, these are fabricated directly in the dental office and the entire fabrication and application procedure can be done within a few hours.

It’s a great way to change a smile that shows yellowed and stained teeth into one that makes you look fantastic. Although most people may not consider veneers for perfect teeth, they work well when gaps need to be filled. Also, this procedure can be used to help people look better and feel better about themselves. Although this procedure can be expensive, it is well worth it, as the instant the procedure is complete, you leave the dental office with a brand new smile.

Not all dentists offer this procedure, so you may want to check with your current dentist first to see if they offer dental veneers. If your dentist does not offer dental veneers, they may be able to recommend another dentist who does. Your dentist will first determine if you are a good candidate for dental veneers or if something else might suit your problem. Veneers are made of porcelain and composite after matching the color of your teeth. This ensures that the artificial tooth does not stand out too white or yellow. A soft wax impression is taken and with that the technician makes a porcelain veneer. The porcelain veneer application process is longer as it requires laboratory manufacturing. But if you’re looking for same-day veneers, composite veneers are the key. Walk in and walk out with a new smile.

Veneers are not for everyone, and if your teeth are not strong enough, dental veneers will not be recommended. This procedure requires drilling a small amount of enamel to apply the adhesive and hold the veneer in place. If your teeth are weak or show signs of enamel decay, you may not be able to put dental veneers on your teeth for a better smile. You may need to explore other options to restore a white smile.


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