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Is love an illusion?

looking for the answers

The search turned up some interesting answers. One of them said that being in love is a chemical and emotional state as well. As chemicals and emotions change, the state of being in love can change. This argument suggests that it might be temporary in nature, but did not refer to it being an illusion. Another said that, rather than chemicals and emotions, it is defined by behavior, that it is real and backed by habit and reason. This source denies the theory that love is an illusion.

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Well, it’s not an illusion simply because it feels real to the person in love. Temporary or permanent, you feel and experience all the effects of love. The rush of a stolen glance, the discouragement of a furious fight, the joy of spending time together, and the pain of a betrayal are all effects that we truly experience. This is not an illusion.

love is not blind

Don’t blind yourself to your lover’s faults; it simply makes those failures more acceptable, thus creating a perfect environment for mutual respect and growth. On the day that love fades, these same eccentricities seem cruder than they are and can be too much for us.

It is the perfect anesthetic for our perceptions. We tend to be critical most of the time. It works like the perfect anesthetic, numbing judgment and allowing us to experience bliss in its purest form. It allows us to accept and be accepted without pressure or judgment. It gives us the passion and strength to fight for our loved ones and protect them from insult and harm.

Love exceeds social norms.

With love, we care more about the needs and concerns of our loved ones, above social norms. Do you remember Romeo-Juliet, Shirin-Farhad and Heer-Ranjha? They didn’t care about social standing, family ties, morality or wealth, they just cared about each other. The love of these couples was real, not an illusion.

How can something that produces such profound effects be an illusion?

If you ask me, it’s simply the comforting factor that comforts you when you come home from a hard day’s work. The warm shot of whiskey that fires up your blood when you need a pick-me-up, the comfort food when you’re feeling low, and the gentle breeze that caresses your cheek on a hot summer’s day. So how can something that produces such profound effects be an illusion? it is, in a few words, the reason why we are alive, capable of feeling and smiling. Tell me if you still think that love is an illusion.


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