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Is your girlfriend testing you to see if you try to get her back?

There are many reasons why brides leave their boyfriends. In most situations, the woman clearly wants to put an end to things that don’t live up to her expectations. Sometimes, however, there is a slightly devious reason for breaking. I’m talking about proof of your commitment to your relationship. If this is the case, I’ll show you how to make sure your girlfriend is only testing you, and more importantly, how to pass that test.

When I say “try,” I’m specifically referring to the dramatic way a woman tells her boyfriend that it is best if they increase their level of commitment. If your girlfriend is testing you to see if you are trying to get her back, she is worried about one thing: marriage. Before you propose just to get your girlfriend back, let’s make sure she’s really trying it out and look at some easier ways to get her back without proposing.

When evaluating whether a breakup is really an attempt to prove your commitment, there are three questions you need to answer.

You must first consider how long you have been in the relationship. Next, you need to consider the age of your girlfriend. Finally you should look at the marital status of your closest friends and family.

Let’s look at a typical example. If a couple has been together for a few years and they are both in their 20s and 30s, then it is highly likely that they broke up simply to test their boyfriend’s commitment.

Considering the first two factors with the third regarding your friends and family could have an effect. If she’s a career woman with divorced parents and no happily married friends, then she probably just genuinely left him. If that’s the case, you should try to get your ex back in a different way than if they were just testing you out.

If you’re in your thirties and have been together for over a year, you may be putting it to the test no matter what your family and friends are doing with your life. A woman’s biological clock is ticking at this point in her life and it can cause her to do some pretty crazy things, like break up with a boyfriend for no apparent reason.

Let’s say your girlfriend fits the profile of a relationship tester. How do you get it back?

That is pretty straightforward. Just give him what he wants. I don’t mean running home, getting on your knees, and yelling a marriage proposal from the sidewalk. Sit back and calmly confront their intentions to break up. Talk about a future together as a married couple, even with children, positively. If you cringed every time he brings up the topic because you just can’t afford a marriage right now, he may be confusing your attitude on the subject.

If you are waiting for a special time to propose, you can reassure her about your level of commitment by looking for a bigger house to start a family. Then grab a calendar, pencil, and paper, and come up with a budget that sets it up well enough to happen at a future date that you can both live with. Sometimes you just need to show him that you are thinking about a future together and his reasons for breaking up with you will quickly fade.


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