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Learn 4 ways you can declutter your home to reduce stress

The natural need to clear up and start anew arises as winter draws to a close and spring is in bloom. Shedding the heaviness of winter is an amazing way to kick off the new season, and it can be done in many areas of your life. The more you can order in all areas of your life, the newer and fresher it will feel to you.

The benefits of tidying up go beyond cleaning the house and extend to our emotional health as well. When we clear we are freeing up physical space but also space in our minds. We will benefit from being able to concentrate better, think more clearly, sleep better and become more creative. Not to mention that we will have less stress that we know is so important for our physical and mental health. Remember, you can always give items away to those in need, sell items for cash, or repurpose them. Either way, it’s a win for everyone involved.

Here are some ways you can order while it’s still spring:

one. Start at home. Clutter in your home creates clutter in other parts of your life. I know it can be hard to let things go, but start with the things you’re definitely ready to get rid of first. It may be easier to do a big purge of those kinds of things and do a second purge of things that may take longer to sort through and decide to part with later.

two. Documents. If you have a mountain of documents like old bills/files like me, now you can start a new way of organizing these documents. We live in a virtual world, so consider scanning and archiving your documents digitally to get rid of clutter and have a more productive organization plan for your important documents.

3. Kitchen/Pantry. Chances are you have a bunch of half-used condiments in your fridge. A clean refrigerator is a beautiful sight, so take advantage of this week to clean out your refrigerator and stock it with fresh, healthy items!

Four. routines. Take this time to take a good look at your daily activities, responsibilities, and schedule. Is there anything that can be delegated to someone else to free up your schedule a bit? Can you combine responsibilities in a way that you can get them done faster? Get creative by putting everything on paper and seeing what can be modified to improve your daily life!

What are some ways you can get your life and home in order next week? Pick a day when you have some time and start ordering ASAP!


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