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Long distance relationship advice and regular dating advice is all about passion and the inner game!

I want to give you some advice on long distance relationships, as well as some advice on normal dating. Learning how to pick up and seduce girls is not rocket science. I mean, you walk up to someone you like or think you might have chemistry with, have a little chat, and…you go from there.

Easy, right?


The question is though, why don’t so many people get the date they want? Why are we guys almost completely incapable of being ourselves by the time we start interacting with a lady? Is there a switch that turns on and off inside of us or something?

The answer is that… we are not comfortable with who we are.

Look, it doesn’t matter if you’re cocky, cute, funny, or boring. It doesn’t matter if you are tall, short, big, small, shapely or a stick. If you feel good about who you are, if you have that passion for life, if you really enjoy yourself and what’s going on around you, you won’t have any problem getting the women you want.

It’s really amazing if you think about it.

I mean, as long as you take care of yourself, no matter what your situation is, and you have something you feel crazy about, you’ll have a very easy time getting that girl.

Why is that? Because women crave passion! This is something you’ll hear in both long distance relationship counseling seminars and regular dating advice.

They want more than good looks and money.

They want someone who will take them out of their ordinary life and make them feel special. Even if they are just looking for a night with a guy, they definitely want passion on that night.

If women don’t think you’re passionate or don’t feel passion when they’re around you, you’re out of luck.

What is passion anyway?

The thing is, you can’t just walk up to a girl and give her passion. It is not like this.

Passion comes from within and is something you share with another person. It’s in your personality, in the parts of you that make you who you are. It is the drive behind the things you do, why you enjoy the things in your life, and the way that enjoyment shines through you.

It can manifest as confidence, humor, intensity; it appears as a lot of different things. It’s basically exciting and it’s something people want to be with.

This is exactly what women are looking for, see? They want someone exciting and full of passion, because being around such a person makes them feel great.

On the other hand, if you don’t like yourself, if your life is just a boring streak of endless hours of work, if there’s nothing around you that really excites you, then no matter what you do, no matter how many courses of appointments do. you spend and how many dating artists you pay to train you, you will always be in trouble.


Because girls don’t want a guy who will give them the smoothest pickup line. They don’t want someone to take them to the fanciest restaurant in town.

They want someone with a spark in their eyes. Someone who knows what she lives for. Someone who really enjoys what he is doing. They want ambition and fun.

A good car is not so good when you don’t drive it anywhere or do anything with it.

Women would rather be with a man who drives something like that because he takes exciting weekend trips or just goes out with them at night than a guy with a Porsche in his garage.

Your inner game is the fire of your life that gets you up in the morning. It’s your confidence and how you have fun in your life.

Your outer game is your new suit and your car.

Both are important, but you need to work on your inside game to make your outside game matter. The outer game will only get you so far.

Get excited about your life. But change it!

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for long distance relationship advice or regular dating advice, you’re probably sitting there, thinking to yourself:

It’s all very well, but what if I have a really boring life? What if I hate my job? What if there’s really nothing exciting around me? How am I supposed to bring passion to the table if I don’t have anything I’m passionate about?

There is only one thing I can say to that, and that is to change your life.

Look, it is you who is in charge of what happens around you every day. You are the one making all the decisions, so…

…if there’s something you don’t like about your current situation, go ahead and change it. It’s really not hard, but…

…it takes guts. And that’s why most people don’t change things in their lives. They don’t have what it takes. Or they don’t realize that change is as easy as they make it.

If you are already in a place where you want or need to change, what is the worst that could happen? If your job is making you miserable, how much worse would you really feel if you quit to find a new one?

I bet you would be surprised how free and amazing you would feel if you woke up one day and made those kinds of changes for yourself.

At the same time, you probably have one or two things that excite you or at least interest you.

Otherwise, why do you get up every day? To earn money to be able to pay the rent? No, there are other things in your life that you are living for. Find out what they are, even if they are small, like your favorite dinner at a restaurant, or this dream you’ve always had to go to Italy, and really embrace them.

You have the opportunity to take control of your life.

You can completely reinvent the kind of life you lead.

Muster up the courage to change jobs, move, join a gym, travel, and do something rash.

Whatever it is, you can do it. Take time to discover the things in your life that excite you.

Highlight them.

It will really restructure your life, or at least the way you think about it.

Now, the good thing about getting your life in order is that if you really put in the effort to do it, you will develop your personality in such a way that you will become quite irresistible to women.

You will have all these exciting things about you that make you who you are. Your inner game will develop. You will have stories and jokes and funny things that will draw people to you; men will want to be your friends and women will want even the slightest chance to be with you.

You will not need harvesting cheats.

You won’t need anyone to tell you what to do. Throw away those useless DVDs and books that give you advice on long distance relationships. Don’t listen to people’s bad advice.

You will be strong, you will know that nothing is too hard for you and you will live a great life full of fire that every woman will notice. You can finally determine what really turns you on… and live it.

Besides, that’s exactly what will turn on the women around you, so…

… get to work to change your life a little if necessary. That’s where it all happens, and that’s where you need to put your energy.

The rest will come naturally, even if you don’t have much dating experience. Just use this long distance relationship advice.


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