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Low-Cost Car Insurance: Tips for Finding the Best Deal on Low-Cost Car Insurance

Q: I’m looking for good, low-cost car insurance in Kentucky. I’ve found a couple of companies, but I’m looking for the best deal out there. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you so much.

A: The best way to find low-cost car insurance in Kentucky is the advice we’ve given in this column many, many times before. There is a floor for the cost of insurance policies, but there is also a ceiling. You want to be the consumer who is on the ground. The best ways to achieve this are:

*Comparison store. Get quotes from several different companies.

*Ask around. Friends, neighbors, and co-workers are all resources you can tap into.

*Join a club that has negotiated a group auto insurance rate for its members

*Inform insurance companies about automatic seat belts, low annual mileage, and anti-theft devices. All of the above can lower premiums

*Take a safe driver course

By following the tips above, you should be able to find good, low-cost car insurance in Kentucky. The only advantage you have as a consumer is the fact that you are willing to shop around for the best price. Do not be lazy and accept the first price they give you.

While it may seem like common sense to look up rates before making a decision, many drivers don’t take the time to compare quotes from different providers. In the end, they often end up paying more for their auto insurance coverage. Make sure you don’t fall into this trap!


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