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Lucky days in astrology Scorpio: your sign and good fortune

If you were born between October 24 and November 22, your zodiac sun sign is Scorpio the Scorpio. You probably know the basic horoscope of your sign, but did you know that, as a Scorpio, certain days and times of each month are lucky only for you? Find out when you will have good luck just for being born under Scorpio.

Scorpio and the moon

There is a direct correlation between how late in the Scorpio period you were born and your lucky moments on the Moon. Scorpios born between October 24 and 30, the first phase of Scorpio, are very lucky during the days of the new moon. Those born in the next phase, between October 31 and November 8, will have more luck when the Moon is in its second trimester. Scorpios born during the third phase of the signs from November 9 to 16, are the luckiest during the days of the full moon. And finally, Scorpios born between November 17 and 22 are luckier during the fourth quarter of the Moon.

Scorpio lucky calendar days

Scorpio’s ruling planet is Pluto, which has a numerological value of (3). Also, the celestial number Scorpio from numerology is (5). The sum of these two values ​​gives us a total of (8). The number (8) has a special affinity for people born under Scorpio and is associated with moments of luck for them. Scorpios will have an extra fortune on the days of the month in which the total of the day’s digits is eight. Consequently, the following days of each month are more fortunate for Scorpios: the 8th, the 17th and the 26th. Scorpios will also be blessed in games of chance where they can play the number (8). The eighth horse in a horse race or the eighth race on the track will bring you good luck.

Lucky hours for Scorpio

Scorpios are more fortunate each day when the planet Pluto rules the skies. This time occurs at different times each day of the week. To determine your lucky hours, find out when sunrise comes and then add the appropriate values ​​from the table below.

Sunday: Scorpio’s lucky hours will fall on the 7th, 14th and 21st after sunrise.

Monday: Scorpio’s lucky hours will fall at 4, 11 and 18 hours after sunrise.

Tuesday: Scorpio’s lucky hours will fall on 1, 8, 15 and 22 hours after sunrise.

Wednesday: Scorpio’s lucky hours will fall at 5, 12 and 19 hours after sunrise.

Thursday: Scorpio’s lucky hours will fall at 2, 9, 16 and 23 hours after sunrise.

Friday: Scorpio’s lucky hours will fall on the 6th, 13th and 20th after sunrise.

Saturday: Scorpio’s lucky hours will fall on the 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th after sunrise.

Scorpio and partners

Many games of chance involve playing with a partner. As a Scorpio, your luckiest associations will be with people who have one of the following matching signs: Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, or Scorpio.


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