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Health Fitness

Aero Pilates Performer 295 – The Total Body Workout

For years, I have been a fan of cardio. On any given day, I can be seen on my bike, inline skates, or running shoes. However, that is about to change. After 30 years of chronic cardiovascular abuse through running, I decided I needed to mix up my training. Mark Sisson, the founder of Primal Blue Print suggests spending about 6 hours a week doing various cardio routines. Doing Pilates is a great way to mix up your workouts and do what fitness experts call shock treatment. I discovered Pilates reformer exercises that I can do at home and it hooks me!

If you are reading this article, you are probably almost ready to spend a few hundred dollars on an Aero Pilates Reformer machine. The Stamina Aero Pilates Pro series of strengthening machines offers you one of the toughest workouts your money can buy. These amazing machines are safe, very efficient, comfortable and easy to use. The most important thing is that they give the results you are looking for. The machines help you burn fat, do cardiovascular exercise, and develop your core muscle groups. I bet most people wish they could help control their appetite. Sorry, that’s yours!

The reviews of Aero Pilates are very favorable. Most people admit that using a Pilates reformer machine is a smart choice for general physical fitness. It is an integral use of the Pilates method. Stamina is the leading and most respected manufacturer of reformers in the world. But don’t just take my word for it. Do your own homework and find out why exercise is the best. Amazon is a great place to find reviews written by real people. You will find grammar mistakes, misspellings, and just a general real emotion that only and one user could type. In my opinion, if the review is written perfectly, then it is just a prepared fake review.

I am very partial to the Stamina pro performer 295. The big selling point for me is a cardio rebounder. The rebound is well known among fitness buffs forgiven for great low-impact cardio. With the artist Stamina Aero Pilates, you can get your heart rate to work just as efficiently as on the treadmill, while working more muscle groups at the same time. In addition, it is very gentle on the joints and since you are lying on your back, the effect of gravity and the concussion it causes to your legs, spying, and hips will be minimized. This machine is really like a mini trampoline or a rebounder, I really like both.

The Pilates method focuses on using the whole body as a complete unit, not dividing it into separate parts as many bodybuilders do. This machine will work your whole body.

The design of the system is incredible. The artist features 3 heavy duty plastic cables that provide levels of resistance work. One of the resistance wires is the power wire for 40% more resistance. It has all truly smooth ball bearing rollers that allow the deck to slide smoothly through the crawler frame. It has an adjustable padded headrest, adjustable hand and foot cords, and foam shoulder pads.


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