
The Perfect Tech Experience

Digital Marketing

Online digital marketing: what is it?

Digital marketing, although it is part of common conversations today, is still a subject about which many have doubts. This article attempts to provide information on digital marketing using simple non-technical terms. Emphasis has been placed on making this article suitable for non-technical readers.

In this age of technological advancement, there is hardly anyone who has not heard of digital marketing. Well, it is a common word that is used today, however, not everyone knows what it exactly includes.

Most of us confuse digital marketing with search engine optimization (SEO). It is not just about SEO or social media optimization (SMO), it is an amalgamation of all those activities that are applied to market your website in the most optimal way. The nature of such activities would depend primarily on the vertical of your business you are in.

Market your business

So, let’s take an example: Suppose you have an online bookstore that you want to market on the Internet, and create a brand so that you can attract users who will transact through your site, which will generate income for your business. What would you do? It may happen that you don’t have all the experience on how to market your website and bring in qualified inquiries that you can convert to business prospects. You must enlist the help of digital marketing experts who have the domain knowledge to market your brand.

So the next question that pops into your mind would be how would online marketing help you get business beyond your conventional marketing strategies? Different digital marketers would answer that question in different ways. The best logical answer to that would be that digital marketing initiatives would complement your conventional techniques, increasing your brand presence. Therefore, it is neither digital nor conventional, but conventional and digital at the same time.

Digital media:

In simple terms, digital marketing is basically about promoting brands using online media and digital channels. The field of digital marketing includes a complete multitude of elements such as mobile phones, online collateral, email marketing, social networks and many more. It has many advantages. First of all, it is a type of direct marketing. Second, it is possible to create personalized messages that can also be personally personalized for each recipient. This approach will allow you to measure quantitative results by providing you with information on who was exposed to your messages, at what time, from what part of the world and what actions the viewer also took as a result of your initiative.

Internet revolution

A few years ago, brand creation and promotion methodologies were limited. Since the internet revolution, the ways you can reach your potential customers have multiplied. As it is rightly said, the world is getting smaller.

Traditional marketers are hesitant to use digital marketing strategies because they are not that familiar with the concept yet. On the other hand, there are fans of the digital age who believe that implementing online marketing strategies definitely helps them generate more business. If you still don’t know whether to go the digital route, don’t be! Because it would complement conventional practices that would help you market your brand in an optimized way.

Go the digital way …


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