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Quick Tips for Getting Organized – Volume 4


Washing clothes is one of those tasks that NEVER ends. Some people don’t mind this and feel a sense of
Achievement with every folded towel or attached sock. Most people, however, despise the monotony of this task and procrastinate until they have no underwear left or they procrastinate and just go shopping for more underwear. If you fall for the latter, he gives you some tips to help you stay on top of this never-ending job.

Choose a day or night of the week that is reserved for doing laundry. Put it on your calendar to avoid double bookings. Then take that time to sort, wash, dry, and fold everything. While this is happening, read a book, watch a movie, jump on the Internet, or even clean the house. If you start doing this consistently, you will find that it takes less time because the laundry piles are not that big. And you may find that you don’t need as many pieces of clothing because you have most of your clothes to choose from as they are hanging in your closet, not in the basket. Another advantage of this plan is that you can mentally cross the clothes off the list. You have a designated time and space in your life and it will do well when it is supposed to.

Another option that works especially well if you have a large family or a LOT of constant clothing is overnight charging. Basically every night you do a load. For example: Mondays are dark, Tuesdays are lights, Wednesdays are white, Thursdays are sheets and Fridays are towels.

Simply put, make a plan and make the plan that best suits your needs. Don’t be afraid to involve the children. Even young children can separate the colors and collect from the baskets. If you start teaching your children how to take care of themselves from an early age, it will benefit them and you for years to come.

Home maintenance

If you have kids, you probably have a ring around the tub. Especially now that summer has arrived and the outdoor game leads to getting dirty hands, feet and well everything (it amazes me where dirt can get trapped!). To quickly and easily clean that ring around the tub, wet the tub, spray with a non-abrasive powdered cleaner like Bon Ami or Bar Keepers Friend to create a paste on the surface (or use a creamy cleaner like Soft Scrub), and leave it on. steep for five minutes. Avoid stronger powdered cleaners like Comet and Ajax, which can scratch porcelain and make it porous and more receptive to germs. After five minutes, rinse with water and TADA !, Clean tub !! For a more natural alternative, Seventh Generation Shower Cleaner is safe to use while showering, although more effort may be required.

Wardrobe maintenance

By installing a valet hook just outside (or inside if you have a walk-in closet) of your closet, you can plan your outfits for work, parties, or travel. It is also useful for hanging and ventilating the dry cleaner before putting it in the closet. Make sure to remove the plastic bags first so the clothes can breathe.

Time management

Are you having trouble getting out of the house on time? Try these tips to get your game off to a hassle-free and stress-free start.

Spread out your clothes the night before. Have them ready to go, including ironing accessories and accessories you want to use. Don’t forget the kids have their clothes picked up the night before and avoid complaints and confusion the next morning. This will be so much easier with my closet maintenance tip above!

Establish a place for your keys and stop looking for them every time you have to leave the house. Get a simple hook and hang it by the front door or use a decorative bowl to drop them when you walk in the door. So exiting and closing will be quick and painless!

Prepare lunches the night before. Plan breakfast and have the table set? Take out the cereal bowl and spoon and set them on the table, set the pot on the stove with premeasured water ready to boil to make oatmeal, set up the coffee pot and turn it on (better yet, get one with an automatic timer!).

Pack your briefcase, purse, or diaper and head out the door, ready to go.

Think about how long each action takes in the morning and make sure you get up early enough to get everything done. Shower, hair dryer, makeup, dress (20 minutes) + breakfast (20 minutes) + children dressed and brushing their teeth (15 minutes) + cleaning the kitchen (5 minutes) = How long will it take before leaving the door ( 1 hour).

Home decor

Now that you’ve renewed your night and morning routine to get out the door on time, consider this. Does your home help or hinder your time management efficiency? For example, the lobby or main entrance is a place that receives a lot of traffic. Is that space set up to handle heavy traffic and serve you the way it should? Maybe you need to add hangers for purses, briefcases and jackets; a basket for shoes; an umbrella stand or even a rug to help minimize the trail of dirt throughout your home. Take a look at the space in each room and think about what its purpose is, and then decorate accordingly. You can find beautiful yet functional pieces everywhere from the Pottery Barn to Wal-Mart and many places in between.


Most families don’t do many restaurants. especially if you have more than one child. However, if you find yourself having dinner with your children, this trick has been very effective for me, especially with a 2 and a half year old.

Keep a small bag of books and toys that are ONLY for special outings and occasions when you need to entertain a little girl. Don’t let these toys / books get mixed up with everyday ones. That way the child will appreciate the new. or special one is. I have a small bag that I take only for these occasions. Some items that I have in our bag are: a slinky, a stress ball, a small doll, a “magic”. glitter wand, a children’s magnifying glass, mini markers and a notepad, smaller books that play music (Baby Einstein, Thomas, Disney’s Cars, Elmo, etc.), flash cards and Resistance cakes mini Mr. Potato Head and his friends (Spud Buds). This has worked well for us, whether in a restaurant or in an environment not suitable for children. Hopefully this will help you enjoy your time away from home!

Health and Beauty

What is really needed for the basic beauty routine? The word on the street (dermatologist) is that you need to exfoliate, tone, and hydrate every day to reap the rewards of smooth, beautiful skin. Genetics don’t keep all the secrets (of course it helps), but consistently sticking to the right regimen can take you from boring to radiant. Each of these steps plays an important role in helping your skin. Step 1, when you exfoliate, you are peeling off the outer layer and allowing the fresh new layers to emerge. It’s called cell proliferation in the skin care business. This process slows down as we age, making our skin look dull and old. Exfoliation accelerates the skin’s renewal rate and helps it look fresh and youthful. Step 2, when toning it is important to find a toner that does not contain alcohol and has the correct pH for your skin. Alcohol is very drying and alters the natural pH of the skin. Finding a toner with the correct pH will give you the advantage of enhancing your skin’s natural defenses as you battle the elements. Step 3, hydration is vital to your skin care regimen. It offers protection and nutrients that will support your skin during the day or night. Finding one with SPF is a smart move, as skin cancer is on the rise. However, be sure to read their labels. Mineral and petroleum oil lotions are actually more harmful than good and can prevent healthy ingredients from penetrating your skin.


If you’re looking for ways to make healthier choices and also learn why those choices are better, sign up for this 7-day fitness training camp. [http://www.smartandhealthyliving.com]. The information is both educational and practical, not to mention free!

Kitchen and cooking

Cherries are one of the tastiest and most fun fruits of summer. They’re great straight out of the bowl, but what if you want to put them in a fruit salad? You can’t throw them with apples, grapes, and watermelon if they still have their bones! Now, you can go to a fancy kitchen supply store and buy a cherry seed OR just take a large paperclip, unfold it in its center, and (depending on the size of the cherry) insert the big or small end of the paperclip. on top. Loosen the bone and pull it out. To leave the stem intact, simply insert the clip from the bottom.


We have the unique opportunity, whether positive or negative, to impact the people around us. It is our choice what attitude we bring to the relationship; whether or not we are ethical in our dealings; even what we believe to be right and wrong. I want to encourage you to take the time to think about who you really are and what you truly believe about yourself. Consider the attitude you wear day after day and take 100% responsibility for the fact that it is your decision and choice to wear it. As Zig Ziglar says, “It is not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life, it is how you handle what happens to you.”


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