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Rissoles Recipe – Delicious Indonesian Snacks with Chicken Ragu

Making Rissoles is one of my favorite activities, because I did it every morning when I was young.

When I was a little girl, on the verge of 14 years old, I would often wake up early in the morning, at 1 am to make this snack and sell them in the morning for a living.

We weren’t rich, so we had to work hard to earn a living. That moment was probably the greatest learning moment for my cooking style, and I am very glad that I learned this skill, with a big thank you to my mother.

Try this delicious empanadillas recipe, it will surely be delicious.

Ingredients for the stuffing:

1/2 kilogram of chicken fillet or chicken breast, rub with vinegar or lemon juice and wash with clean water

1 kilo carrot, in small cubes

500 grams of mushrooms, cut in the same way as the carrot

1 liter of milk

1 cup chopped celery

1 large bowl of wheat flour, mix with milk until smooth

2 teaspoons bouillon powder

2 onions, chopped



3 teaspoons ground nutmeg

How to make the filling:

Cook the chicken fillet in the boiled water until the chicken is tender. Remove. And we shredded the chicken and cut it into small pieces. Try to make chicken pieces very small, not too large. It makes the croquettes more flavorful if you can’t find such large pieces of chicken. Set aside.

Heat 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large skillet, add the chopped onion and stir until fragrant. Add the shredded chicken and the chicken broth water. Let them boil.

Add carrots and mushroom. Let them cook until the carrot is tender. Add sugar, salt, ground nutmeg, and chopped celery. Test it. Add more ingredients to your liking. The taste has to be salty and a little sweet.

Add a little milk, let them cook until it boils. And add the flour mixture, keep stirring until the mixture is well blended. You have to be quick with the last action, or you get the wrong mix. It’s the best way if someone else pours in the flour mixture, while you stir the boiled mixture. It’s not really easy to pour the flour mixture and stir the filling at the same time to get the best and best mixture. Make the mixture a bit solid so you won’t have trouble getting it onto the empanada sheets. Set aside.

Ingredients for the leaves:

2 kilos of wheat flour

4 liters of fine coconut milk

Salt to taste

6 eggs


Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl, the batter has to be thin, not too thick like a pancake mix, otherwise the sheets would be too thick and it’s harder to fold and not too flavorful.

Take a frying pan for the pancake, grease it with oil, and make a sheet like pancakes, and put it on the plate that you have already greased, light the sheets and fill it immediately with the filling. Don’t wait for it to cool down, it’s the most efficient and fastest way to work.

Do this until the mixture is completely gone. If you’re done, dip the meatballs one by one into the chopped eggs, then roll them in the breadcrumbs.

And I baked them in the hot oil. Ready to serve.

The ingredients for the dip:

3 eggs, chopped

3 flat breadcrumbs

For 90 pieces.

This recipe is a bit much if you want to make it in small batches. Just adjust the amount to your needs.


Do it in a good quantity, like 50 pieces if you have the time. Put it in the freezer. Use a good freezer-safe container so the meatballs don’t stick together. Use plastic wrap in the middle to make it easier for you to remove the meatballs one by one from the container if you need to.


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