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Health Fitness

Stretch Mark Removal Treatment

Stretch marks (striadistensae) are scales or streaks that appear on the skin, which are usually red, pink, faint, or white in color. Stretch marks are actually scars that occur when the skin is stretched beyond its flexible point of confinement. When this happens, it shows that the skin cannot recover and remains scarred forever. They are especially normal among the young years as the skin is firmer and has a lower flexible captive point. The most recognized regions they show are the lower stomach, thighs, and knees.

Stretch marks tend to be red, bright pink, or purple at first. This shading occurs as a result of broken filament and veins in the deeper layers of the skin. These tracks usually fade to a dark shade or white as the veins contract.

Some of the main causes of stretch marks

The skin has three layers: the hypodermis (deepest or deepest layer), the dermis (central or middle layer) and the epidermis (outer or outer layer). Stretch marks form in the central layer – the dermis. As your body develops normally, the connective threads in the dermis gradually stretch. When there is rapid growth, these threads can be stretched beyond their furthest point and can be damaged or even break. As I said above, these are fundamentally framed scars from back to front, so they can be difficult to treat.

Natural medicine

Stretch mark removal is a type of skin scarring related to pregnancy, obesity, adolescence, and sometimes weight gain due to exercise and other physical exertion. They frame when the dermis. The core layer of skin that maintains shape and versatility stretches more than it can. Over time, the connective filaments in the skin break down, disrupting collagen production and causing scarring. This scarring can be treated simply by evacuating the stretch test.

Stretch mark removal medications include creams, ointments, and suggestions for a standard diet and exercise routine. A wide variety of accessible items are available for regular tract control evacuation. However, these techniques fail to create pleasing results for some people, especially those with old and extensive trial scars. In these cases, a more integrated restorative treatment could be the main successful option.


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