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The Dangers of Paraben-Laden Skin Care Products: What You Need to Know

If you’ve been researching the current effectiveness of skin care products, chances are you’ve come across the word “paraben” more than a few times. What you’ve already learned about parabens may have scared you away from any product that contains them, and it should. While a direct link between paraben and a number of health problems (including breast cancer) has not been established, the scientific community has long been concerned that this toxic condom may be doing real harm to people who use it regularly. And since you’ll most likely use your skin firming cream every night, you’d better learn as much as you can about paraben before you buy any product listed on the ingredient label!

Are parabens bad?

Despite what the cosmetic industry may do, the dangers of parabens are real. Used in the vast majority of skin care products due to their ability to preserve the natural ingredients included in the product’s recipe, as well as their low cost, parabens have been used around the world since the 1990s. 1920 to help prevent the growth of bacteria in a wide range of consumer products. Although many people have questioned its safety on and off for decades, it wasn’t until researchers discovered a few years ago that more than 90% of breast cancer tumors they studied contained trace amounts of paraben that it turned out to be the only common thread among patients, it really didn’t raise much concern. That has since changed, even forcing many cosmetic companies to stop using the chemical in their product lines.

Why are parabens bad?

One of the things that makes parabens so bad for humans is their ability to bind to the body’s estrogen receptors, causing an estrogen-like response within the body’s tissues. Unfortunately, parabens appear to be the most dangerous when applied or injected into the skin.

But, if the dangers of paraben are so high, and paraben is so bad for you, why is it still used in so many products? There are many reasons:

1. there is no conclusive evidence that it causes cancer
2. it is effective and cheap to use
3. The cosmetic and skin care industry is the least regulated industry in the United States

Whether you think parabens are bad or not, the fact is that more research into their dangers is needed to ensure that people aren’t unnecessarily at risk of cancer or other serious health problems by using products containing this preservative chemical. In the meantime, it’s up to each individual consumer to seek out all-natural products that remain paraben-free to avoid any toxic exposure.

To learn more about parabens, or to see what paraben-free products are available for today’s savvy consumer, be sure to visit our website: http://www.MyNaturalSkinCareMD.com There you’ll find all the information you need to make a wise choice of skin care products, as well as paraben-free products that I personally use and recommend after years of research.


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