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Three points to improve search engine rankings

This first objective of the website is FOCUS. The site should have a narrow and specific focus. Why is this? Because there are literally millions of websites and it will only take a few seconds for visitors to decide whether to stick around or just click the back button and continue browsing elsewhere. In those few seconds, the site must communicate exactly what it is designed for so that the visitor can decide whether or not it meets their needs.

One of the best ways to improve site focus is to establish a 15-25 word positioning statement that guides all development activity going forward. Think of it as a mission statement. It must articulate exactly what the website does.

The second goal is DEPTH. This goal serves both visitors and search engines. Create a lot of content, all about limited business focus. That way, if a visitor comes to your website and decides in the first few seconds that they need what you’re providing, they will continue to find a ton of resources on that topic, fulfilling their need, and establishing trust along the way. The depth of the content also helps the website with the search engines. Google uses complicated algorithms to evaluate the value of different websites and one of the most important things they look for is content. If the website has a narrow focus and a lot of content on that focus, Google will consider your site a good resource for people looking for your narrow focus.

The third goal is to make the site STICKY. This is a new term that describes the ability of a website to keep a visitor on the site. Many sites do a pretty good job of attracting visitors, but many of those visitors take one look at the site and leave within a second or two. Positioning statement can go a long way to help someone understand what their site is designed for. You should spend some time thinking about what you can offer visitors as soon as they hit your site. It could be information. It could be an entertaining video or an interactive game that they can play. Whatever it is, you need to capture your visitor in seconds and guide them to something that benefits them.


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