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Tips for hosting a Christmas afternoon tea party – make it one of your stress-free traditions

Having a Christmas afternoon tea party can become one of your favorite stress-free Christmas party ideas. In fact!

The holidays are one of the busiest times of the year, but it’s also a time to enjoy friends and show our gratitude for those who mean so much to us. There is no better time than during the Christmas season.

For stress-free entertainment, do as much as you can ahead of time. In fact, the best part about hosting a tea party over the holidays is that you will most likely have your house decorated. Many of us enjoy having a reason to show off and use our special Christmas plates and tea sets. If you love to show off your gourmet skills, go to town and bake delicious scones and tea cakes, but if you don’t like spending time in the kitchen, take advantage of cyberspace. You can have the most delicious and beautifully prepared groceries delivered right to your door. .

A small, intimate gathering is often easier to plan. Inviting 3 or 4 friends is the perfect number. If you are a person who wants to have a larger event, a buffet-style gathering would be more appropriate to cater for all your guests.

More tips for hosting a Christmas afternoon tea party. One of the stress-free Christmas traditions.

Of course, it is important that at this time of year you get your invitations out on time. Remember, invitations set the mood and expectations of your guests. For some hosting an afternoon tea party, a simple vacation email may be appropriate. For others, a more elaborate and creative homemade invitation is in order.

Some suggestions might be a teapot-shaped cookie, with the invitation written on it. Or, a tea bag, your favorite loose leaf tea, and a spice bag with the treat. I suggest that if it is important to you that your guests come dressed in festive clothing: let them know. It amazes me to see wrinkled jeans and sweatshirts at absolutely any type of party. If yours is casual, that’s fine too.

For a light afternoon tea you would expect your guests to arrive around 4pm Of course if you prefer to serve ‘high tea’ this is later and the food served is more substantial. However, in today’s world, you are free to choose any time period that suits both you and your guests.

The menu can be as simple as scones, homemade biscuits and tea sandwiches, to several different savory dishes, biscuits and mini tarts with a fabulous elegant dessert to end the meal.

Of course, it is important to have a variety of hot teas and herbal teas. Don’t forget to offer some holiday favorites like peppermint and special Christmas tea blends. You might even consider serving some T-Cocktails for a fun twist and to impress your guests.

You have your menu planned and your invitations sent. Now is the time to plan your tea party decorations. Do you have a room with a fireplace? That’s a great area to serve afternoon tea. Don’t have a fireplace, don’t worry; create an area that is cozy and warm and suitable for visiting friends. Christmas party decoration ideas are easy and can be done at low cost. With a tea party, you can mix and match your china to complement your colors. Allow the beauty of nature to grace your table. Festive greenery, pineapples, fruit wreaths can complement any setting. Flickering candles, twinkly Christmas lights, and festive music add to the ambiance.

If you’re not sure how to put things together or are looking for something different, take the time to look through the magazines for some new ideas.

Taking the time to prepare as much as possible before your guests arrive will leave you time to enjoy your friends and the warmth of the holiday season.

A Christmas afternoon tea, after all, is all about making everyone feel special and important. Be sure to prepare a thoughtful keepsake for your guests when they leave. A small tin of your favorite loose leaf tea, a small gift box with some special tea decorations are just a few ideas that will help your friends remember and cherish your special afternoon tea party.


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