
The Perfect Tech Experience

Lifestyle Fashion

Your magnificent mouth

Do you know your mouth?

Medical and dental experts describe the mouth as a chewing device whose main function is the ingestion and chewing of food that keeps the body alive. The fancy name they give to this is the masticatory system which simply means chewing system. No one can deny that this is one of the functions of the mouth and it is also important. But how does this underestimate and devalue a truly wonderful organ: your magnificent mouth. Come with me on a short sightseeing tour and experience your mouth as much more than a chewing device!

What is your mouth

Go to the nearest mirror and take some time to observe. Just allow a few minutes of time and space to reflect on your reflection. Look at your mouth in the mirror and let me guide you on a journey of self-discovery …

Open your mouth and see the gateway to your deepest organs of digestion that provide nutrients to the living biology of each and every one of your cells.

Breathe and experience your mouth as the gateway to the heart / lung exchange of precious gases that sustain the living biology of each and every cell.

Stick your tongue out and marvel at this versatile muscular organ with the ability to discern taste and texture even at the molecular level. Roll your tongue around your mouth appreciating how its changing shape can control the movement of food, initiate swallowing mechanisms, and modify the sounds of your voice.

Lick your lips and marvel at your saliva, which is a tissue as complex as blood, which provides enzymes, antibodies, a barrier and protection for the tissues of the mouth, as well as a medium for digestion and flow. Pucker your lips in different ways and make a variety of different smiles and gestures with your lips and see how expressive and versatile the doors of your magnificent mouth are.

Smile and see the beautiful pearly columns of your teeth that sparkle and reflect the light. These pillars of effective strength allow you the ability to cut the sustenance of your life into manageable bite-sized chunks and prepare you for the journey of assimilating, renewing, and repairing the cells of your biology.

Now greet yourself with the distinctive and original sound of your own voice. Make the sounds that are your unique signature vocal vibrations and marvel at the originality, versatility, and notes. Say your own name and hear what you sound like. This is your organ of vocal expression, the instrument that allows you to express what you feel inside and communicate these feelings to those around you. What a gift this voice is! Without this transmitter, your communication with the outside world is seriously hampered. Hear its sounds and celebrate your own original song. Sing your song to yourself and applaud the performance. No other place on the planet can do this like you. It is unique and precious and of inestimable value.

Take the time to feel appreciation and gratitude for the wonderful gift you have given. Press your lips together and offer yourself a kiss in gratitude for this precious gift from you and from your Magnificent Mouth.

Your Magnificent Mouth is nothing less than an enormous treasure of types of fabrics in formidable function and synchronic synergy, just a part of the Magnificent Miracle that you are.


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