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Tips to save a marriage

It is easy to get into a relationship, but it is difficult to maintain it. Often times, people enter into a relationship with a feeling of durability, but ultimately end up divorcing. There are many ways to save a marriage, but they require some special qualities from both the husband and the wife. Love marriages are commonly seen to be less reliable than marriage arrangements. Some of the main causes that lead to separation are ego, misunderstandings, lack of faith, busy schedules, different thinking, anger, one-sided family support, mutual understanding, career, etc.

Two married people finally think of separation when they become too obsessed with each other. In most cases, two people have enough time to rethink their relationship before divorcing or separating. If you really love your partner and want to spend your whole life with her, then this is the right time to do your best for your partners to change their decision to divorce. Some of the best ways to save a marriage are given that, if followed with full devotion, will produce positive results.

• Ask your partner to give you some time to explain your situation and problems. You will have to make your partner feel that after parting, your life will become miserable and you will need them in all areas of life. Don’t be upset or discouraged when they give you rude responses. Instead, keep pushing yourself because hard work will bring success one day. You will have to be very calm, polite, humble, and patient if you really want to save your marriage.

• Ask your partner to give you one last chance to prove your point, if your relationship ends due to some misunderstanding between you and your partner. In addition, you will have to work hard to collect all the possible evidence that will convince your partner that he is guilty or wrong. On the other hand, if you have made a mistake for which your relationship is going to end, do not feel bad or guilty when you realize your mistake and ask your partner for forgiveness. Say those things that make them believe that you will not make the same mistake in the future. Your first and foremost priority should be to gain the trust and confidence of your partner in order for you to be successful in saving a marriage.

• Take some time and think about the reasons and problems that are leading you both to this situation. Instead of finding fault with your partner and making them feel like your marriage is ending because of them, you need to realize your mistakes. Reflect on those situations in which you were very rude to your partner or treated them cruelly. Think about what you have given your partner and what he or she demanded or expected of you. After finding your fault, try to think of ways that will help you win back your love. Remember that it is easy to find faults in others but difficult to correct their faults.

• When you have realized your mistake, try to correct it by changing the characteristics that your partner does not like in you. Bring them some gifts or things they like or expect from you. Try to make them feel that they are very valuable to you and that you don’t want to live without them. If your partner stays away from you, give him a surprise visit with flowers and gifts. Spend time with them and explain your feelings and emotions.

• If you have children and then both of you are going to get divorced, then you have made the wrong decision. Husband and wife often think about divorce or separation, but do not think about the future of their children. They do not care about the impact that their separation will bring to them. Both father and mother are equally important to a child. The child needs both of you to make the right decisions in life and career. So before filing for divorce, just think about your children and your future and surely this method will help you save a marriage.

• If your wife or husband is unattractive or has bad habits like smoking, drinking, etc. and as a result, you are thinking of parting with them, then think calmly. Ending a relationship will affect the lives of many people, including your family and friends. Running away from a situation is not the solution and you have to decide to change your partner with your love and devotion. You can explain that their bad habits are ruining your life and your relationship. Tell them that you love them and because you care about them you are asking them to stop their bad habits.

• You can ask an intermediary for help to save a marriage. The mediator can be your friend, relative, or some other family member. They will explain to your partner about your feelings and how attached you are to them. They will also come to know why your partner is unhappy with you so that you can correct your mistakes.

A healthy relationship, especially marriage, needs a great deal of trust, understanding, love, care, concern, time, and space. If you are trying to save a marriage, you must have all of these qualities. Do not get depressed if your partner is not very pretty, instead look at those qualities that make her different from the others. Marriages are made in heaven but must be resolved on earth. You can have a happy married life only if you have the will and determination to face all obstacles that come your way with perfection. Remember that each night is an indication of a beautiful day ahead. Don’t give up hope of saving a marriage because you never know what fate holds for you.


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