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Treating pain without medication: 5 tips to feel better and use less medication

Most patients think that doctors never hurt. Is not true. I’ve lived with pain every day for the last 40 years, so I know a thing or two about what I’m saying. Not that I never take pain medication, but Tylenol or an occasional Advil is it, no narcotics.

Does that mean my bread is not worthy of anything stronger? I do not think. But I would say that my attitude towards pain is different from many of my patients. For me, it’s just a part of life. Many older adults would say the same.

But in 20 years as a family doctor I have met thousands of people who see pain differently. For them, pain is something to be avoided at all costs. Fear of pain is a big problem for them. Also, many people spend too much time resentful that life is not fair. Get over! You will be very happy.

Pain is not just a physical problem. It is shaded by our emotions, or energy level, or degree of happiness. If the underlying problem cannot be remedied, controlling other factors will help you find ways to deal with the pain without resorting to addictive drugs.

Here are 5 proven tips that have helped me and my patients deal with ongoing pain.

1. Get plenty of rest. Pain is often a cumulative thing. If you can nip it in the bud, your body can reset itself to a lower level of discomfort. I learned a long time ago that I am not a person who can live on 4 hours of sleep. It’s counterproductive for me to even try. Although I occasionally go with 5 or 6, for the most part I need to have 7-8 hours a night to function at my best. Sometimes this means taking a nap. Resting at night helps the body recover from the stresses of life and gravity, but afternoon naps also give the body a boost in a number of ways. They help muscles relax and temporarily relieve pressure on joints and body parts that are subject to the compressive effects of gravity. A nap can refresh the mind, allowing a person to approach work with renewed energy. Also, as the body falls asleep, chemicals (endorphins and others) are released that are natural pain relievers and muscle relaxants. You don’t need to sleep a lot for this to happen, 20 minutes will be enough, but it does require falling into at least a light sleep.

2. Do things that make you happy. I love music and I lead a choir, which requires standing continuously for two hours. Now, if I had to wait that long in line for a roller coaster, I would be in terrible torment. I hate wasting my time, especially for something I don’t want to do much of in the first place. But as long as I dedicate myself to my music, the pain is at bay. Of course, I may collapse in my seat afterwards, but an activity that engages your mind in a positive way will not only take your mind off your discomfort, it will also help release endorphins.

3. Use wraps and supports. Pain medications aren’t the only answer to swollen limbs, sore backs, and sore joints. In fact, bread is our friend. It tells us that our body requires maintenance or TLC. Sometimes taking painkillers just hides the problem, like a new coat of paint on a mold-stained basement. In fact, pain relievers can hide a problem, allowing you to be more active than your body can tolerate, resulting in additional damage. However, knowing how active you should be can be a fine line—a good question to discuss with your doctor. However, little or no harm will result from the use of splints, ACE bandages, compression stockings, or back supports that relieve some of the stress related stress on an injured body part.

4. Be careful how you sleep. A pillow under the knees can relieve lower back strain for a back sleeper. A flatter pillow can relieve neck strain for someone who sleeps on their stomach. A pillow between your knees can decrease pain related to your knees, hips, or lower back. A carpal tunnel splint can keep your wrist in an anatomical position so you don’t wake up with a sore hand.

5. Find a comfortable exercise. For many people with back problems or arthritis, swimming is the best answer. For others, walking 20 minutes a day helps maintain enough flexibility to decrease joint pain. Some amount of exercise helps almost all physical problems, however, too much can make the condition worse. It is really up to the patient to determine what is best, although their doctor, chiropractor or physical therapist can offer guidance and advice. For example, I’m sure I have torn cartilage in my knee, but it doesn’t usually bother me. I can walk 25 minutes with no problem, but after 35 minutes it starts to hurt. However, you actually feel better if you walk every day than if you rest all the time. My back feels better if I do a little scrubbing though, 10 seconds of pulling my 70lbs. goldendoodle in the car can kill me for days. Know your body, its tolerances and limits, and don’t get to the causes of pain.

In short, wake up with a smile, try to keep it all day, get a good night’s rest, do not exert yourself unnecessarily, and remember: early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, rich and wise.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, MD


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