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Visualization, mystique, or mastery?

A few years ago, on a sunny day in August, a young man with shoulder-length black hair stepped onto the mat at the kumite karate tournament in front of a large audience. It was his first karate tournament. He had trained in karate for several years before and was a higher grade.

However, what makes this story so unusual is the fact that he had not seriously trained in karate for 5 years before. However, he not only won his kumite match, but also the tournament for his category against experienced fighters who tried to prevent him from doing so. But he managed to eliminate many of these good fighters on his way to the overall karate champion. So what was the only element that helped you achieve this? Display.

In the 1970s, athletes from the Soviet Union began practicing a technique that soon became popular throughout the world. These athletes would deliberately think about detailed performances on the field. They would let the images play in their minds and they would mentally practice in their spare time while their bodies rested. The art of visualization really helped these athletes hone their reflexes and perform better on the field, and since then, it has become a popular technique for many martial artists and athletes in many varieties of sports. Why? Because it works.

You see, our brains are supercomputers that are specially designed to help us achieve our goals on a day-to-day basis. Harnessing the power of your mind and learning to harness it so that we can begin to survive in the world. Visualization can turn your goals into reality. Our subconscious mind is a powerful place, and when it works for us rather than against us, the potential we have to do so is limitless.

You don’t need a good imagination for visualization to work, although it can help. But what you do need to do is be able to imagine a scenario in your mind and see that that scenario goes as well as possible. By doing so, you are preparing your mind for the events to come, and because you have already been through this event and have seen how it should be performed better, you have already prepared to respond to future events in a productive and productive way. . useful way.

If the brain can see your plan, then it can make the necessary compromises to help you achieve your goals. Visualization works in a way that repetitive words, lists, and plans don’t. In addition, it works with people who have physical limitations by giving them self-protection options using visualization techniques, it only requires foresight and practice, although there are no absolutes.

Be aware of your surroundings – open your eyes and put your phone away

From a self defense point of view, consider the following; No special training is needed for this. Imagine in your mind someone who wants to hurt you, even kill you or a loved one, it is not a pleasant thought, is it? Then mentally imagine how you are going to protect yourself. Because, what you see on television or read in the newspapers regarding random attacks and robberies, even murders against innocent people by other people, can easily be what you are tomorrow. You must have the mindset that you will defend yourself or your loved one at all costs. Have the mindset of a cold-blooded, ruthless warrior and train accordingly.

In practice, think of various scenarios and find out how to deal with that situation. Then physically drill with or without a partner using the principle of slow practice by visualizing each step, this will also prepare you mentally in case a situation arises. Please understand that like any other form of training, visualization will require commitment, application effort, and foresight – a small price to pay for the overall benefits that visualization training can bring you even more, if you consider the alternative to not preparing. mentally for a violent encounter. This article is just a small overview on the subject of visualization, there is very little that we cannot accomplish if we simply begin to tap into the untapped potential within our own minds, unlock your subconscious mind, and harness your own powers through power. display. Remember, every journey begins with a first step. Why not start now?

Stay safe.


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