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Ways to define your spaces with area rugs: living room area rugs

1. Create an attractive entrance – When the front door opens directly into the room without a designated foyer, it can create the illusion of one with an area rug. A chevron wool rug is a good example of creating a cozy entryway and contrasts nicely with hardwood. Use a bold colored area rug to enhance the look by adding a small piece of furniture and some art.

two. Make your living room a focal point – While large rooms and tall spaces are the attractive aspect of an open-concept home, they also pose a challenge in organizing a cozy space to hang out. A beautiful living space can go undefined until you lay down a patterned rug for a cozier and more inviting conversation area. With high ceilings and large windows, the rug provides an anchor to the room and draws attention from the large spaces, making the room feel cozy and welcoming.

3. Define the dining room – Just because your home doesn’t have a traditional dining room doesn’t mean you can’t have one. In this contemporary living space, a large rug creates a dining area. Without walls to create tangible zones, a mat is needed to organize the space into useful areas. When choosing an area rug for under tables and chairs, make sure the rug is large enough for the chairs to slide off the table without falling off the edge of the rug.

Four. Delineate high traffic areas – Larger spaces often mean there are multiple entrances and exits both outdoors and to other rooms. Dare to place area rugs on top of your installed rugs to protect them. This indoor / outdoor rug is not only visually appealing, it can handle French door traffic. More importantly, create a traffic pattern.

5. Outdoor area rugs – Large patios can also be transformed into defined outdoor living spaces. A durable outdoor rug can create a large outdoor living room in a space with no sharp edges. A rug makes any seating area and especially in front of a fireplace a cozy, creative and welcoming family space to share more with the family.

With walls crumbling in remodels and new homes reflecting open concept design trends, rugs provide comfort and beauty while organizing and maximizing space. Enhance your décor by adding rugs. Take a look at online stores that have gorgeous affordable rugs for sale, take a look at decorating ideas online and on social media, get an idea of ​​the style you would like to achieve but at the same time think outside the box. and dare to be different. Your family and friends are sure to love what you have chosen. Do you live on a limited budget? Find out how much you need to spend and plan a monthly amount to reserve and a target date. You’ll be able to change up your decor by painting an accent wall, adding some decorative vases with colorful fruit or flowers, using colorful owls, and your chosen area rugs.


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