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What is meta learning?


What strategy do 98% of us apply when we see a word that for us is Greek?

Ignore it or try to dope it.

Meta-learning has something to do with learning, but what exactly is it?
It is a step higher than ordinary learning and it means learning about learning.

How vital to your career is being your own (self-taught) teacher?

Meta (mee-ta) is from the Latin meaning after, along with, and beyond.
Meta-Learning was coined by Hong Kong’s John Biggs University in 1985 to show how we can take control of our own learning.

The answer to your question: who cares? – is that we live in the Knowledge Economy.
That means whether you like it or not, you will be involved in learning new information throughout your life. You taught yourself how to use the computer, surf the web,
using a cell phone and how to burn discs. You can even get your money from an ATM. You are already a self-taught learner (self-taught).

Do you know that the average college graduate will have five careers (not one job)?
Change in your work life? Think you should possess the meta-learning skill
also called metacognition and self-regulation to survive and thrive in our information culture?


Have you ever been in the mood to NOT learn and had it forced down your throat?
School of course, and how about a mandatory company meeting?
Who is in charge of your mental attitude, mood, and emotional intelligence?
No one can force you to learn, it is a conscious-emotional decision each time.

The first secret is motivation. Don’t you consciously ask yourself what’s in it for me before you give your brain permission to offer the feelings that lead to learning?
and memory All conscious learning requires the participation of your power hormone and pleasure neurotransmitter. Adrenaline drives learning and dopamine
rewards us for behavior.
Without an emotional surge and a reward pathway, your brain remains dormant.

The second clue is interactivity. If you just listen or read without following a question path, you will miss out on 20% of the key ideas available. to recover the other
80% you must listen or read looking for the details of Who? What? When? Where? Why? and how? We call it NoteFisting and it’s a learning strategy.

Do you know the two secrets of memory? This knowledge is critical because learning is 50% comprehension (comprehension) and 50% encoding and decoding for long-term memory.

Can you consciously build mental visualizations in your mind’s eye?
It is part of the structure of your brain and how your mind works. Try it now.
Imagine an elephant with zebra stripes and the name Dumbo painted on its
wide forehead. Easy, right?

The other essence of memory is called Association (linking). It allows us to link new information we choose to remember with elements of old, archived knowledge.
We encode new knowledge and link it to what we have already archived.

Your brain thinks using mental images and encodes new information by linking it to
what you already understand. Use your instinctive curiosity to discover the details of how to develop this ability.

The third clue is to never read or listen without a pacer in hand. How you direct your eyes decides how much your brain recovers from the lecture or writing
page. It has a fancy name: Reflex Eye Vestibule, call it VOR.

Most of us can’t fix a car engine, but we can drive anywhere. VOR is not the key, using the Pacer is. Learn to use a Pacer and you’ll be able to read and remember three books, articles, and reports compared to your peers who can barely finish one.


Is this new knowledge valuable and useful to you, your career, or to other important people in your life? Does it involve me in something bigger and beyond myself and my personal needs?

Religious people learn and can easily retrieve entire sections of the Bible. Muslim children are expected to memorize the entire Qur’an. Many do and without Mensa IQs. It is about personal motivation, including fear, guilt, and the need to please.
others in your society. What motivates you?

negative motivations

Emotions create behavior. Thought and Action are inseparable. If you are worried about paying the mortgage, you think that the new information is irrelevant, you imagine yourself swimming at the beach, feeling the sunlight and listening to the waves crash, you are distracted.

These emotions destroy your focus; get your mind out of the Flow and the Zone. If you’re trying to learn while fear of failure fills your mind (SAT), you’re distracted by negative mental movies. Distractions make you lose the ability to link new ideas with those stored in long-term memory.


When we distance ourselves from what we are listening to or reading, our learning brain shuts down. Have you ever found yourself rereading the same paragraph
one-two-three times and you still don’t understand?

Deep Fact: Will the average college grad go back up to twenty times per page of text? Ten would be bad enough, but due to the distractions, not wearing a
Pacer, and since we are not interactive with the text, we will read sentences and
even entire pages up to twenty times. Talk about snailing.

final words

Master learners pay attention, focus (awareness), and use their will
(willpower) to stay focused when in an awareness mode. Average
student and executive (life goes on) will choose Instant Gratification over
a larger reward based on delayed gratification.

Muta-learning suggests pre-planning for new ideas. Directed attention, selective attention (key ideas), self-control and self-assessment are required.
There are specific strategies and skills to be a good student. it’s not just for
school goal for a lifetime of success in the internalization of knowledge.

We suggest you start with fast learning to triple your reading skills and
2x your memory. Let your intuition lead you to fulfill your dreams.

See you,

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