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Why should you choose solar solutions to power your RV?

Winter is fast approaching, and this is the perfect time to take a RV road trip. This is also a great opportunity for you to become a responsible ‘green’ citizen by ditching traditional sources of electricity and starting to live off of solar energy. The warm southern states are the preferred locations during this time. If you go there too, you will get a lot of sunlight during the whole trip. Therefore, it will be much easier to rely on solar solutions and meet your energy demands on the road.

Here are some helpful tips for choosing the right solar solutions for your motorhome trip:

Calculate power consumption and battery capacity

You should find out your RV’s daily electrical usage before making a solar investment. As a general rule of thumb, your battery capacity should be four times the total draw of your RV. Understanding this simple thing will ensure your batteries last longer and power the RV efficiently. Knowing your desired battery size will make it easier for you to choose a solar system with sufficient capacity to meet your requirements.

Determine the power of the solar panel

Before you install solar panels, find out how many watts your RV batteries need. If you’re traveling through the sunny southern states, an amp-hour of battery capacity should be backed by at least one watt of photovoltaic (PV) output. This amount is enough even if you experience rainy or cloudy days.

Don’t ignore the tolerance percentage

When you’re selecting a solar system, don’t forget to consider its tolerance percentage. Tolerance refers to the amount of power a solar panel loses. For example, a 100-watt solar panel can produce 90 watts of power if its tolerance is 10 percent. Therefore, opt for a system that has a low tolerance percentage.

Advantages of Using Solar Power in an RV

Extension of battery life: Standard charging methods result in sulfation (a buildup of lead sulfate crystals) and loss of water in RV batteries, which can greatly reduce their lifespan. Solar charging, on the other hand, is a gradual process that keeps batteries healthy for longer periods.

Minimal maintenance work: One of the biggest benefits of solar panels is that they require minimal maintenance work. Occasional cleaning of dust and bird droppings with water is enough to keep things in order.

Free of electrical connections: On your road trip, you may come across campgrounds that have no electrical connection. When you rely on solar solutions, you can enjoy the ride without worrying too much about your charging needs.

This is the perfect time to invest in solar solutions and enjoy a solar-powered road trip. It uses safe and renewable energies, and contributes to the preservation of the environment.


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