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Wild at Heart – Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul – Relationship Book Review

Author John Eldredge believes we took big dreams from a man’s heart when we told him to be a good guy. This dedication to kindness is why there are so many tired and lonely women, so many orphaned children, and so few real men. Men can change this. Learn 3 Things Eldredge Says Men Should Do To Go Wild And Revitalize Their Relationships.

1. In the bottom of his heart, every man yearns for a battle to fight.

Aggression is part of the design of man; they are programmed for it. Children long to know that they are powerful, dangerous, someone to be reckoned with.

Hockey and boxing weren’t women’s creations. A boy wants to attack something and so does a man. Even if it’s just a little white ball on a tee. He wants to get him into the kingdom to come. Like it or not, the child is a warrior who is bored with games that have no element of danger or competition.

Life needs a man to be fierce and devoted. Eldredge reveals how to do that throughout his book.

2. In the bottom of his heart, every man yearns to have an adventure.

There’s a reason the American cowboy has taken on mythical proportions. He embodies a longing that every man knows from a young age: to go west, to find a place where he can be all that he should be. That is wild, dangerous, unrestricted, and free.

This is not a chauvinist men’s gathering of spirits. It is a search for authentic masculinity. Adventure requires something of us, it tests us. Although we are afraid of the test, at the same time we long to be evaluated, to discover that we have what it takes. If a man has lost this desire, he says that he does not want it, it is only because he believes that he will not pass the test. So you decide that it is best not to try. Eldredge reveals many ways to change that.

3. In the bottom of his heart, every man needs a beauty to rescue.

Once he is awakened to the beauty of love, a man wants to be the hero of his beauty. He wants to charge the castle, kill the giant, jump through the parapets or maybe hit a home run. It’s not just that a man needs a battle to fight; needs someone to fight for. A man longs for romance.

What about the female heart?

Eldredge explains the three essential desires in a woman’s heart:

Every woman has years to be fought, persecuted and a priority for someone.

Every woman also wants an adventure to share. She doesn’t want to be the adventure; she wants to be caught up in something bigger than herself.

Every woman wants to have a beauty to reveal. It is not just physical beauty. It is a deep desire to truly BE the beauty and to be enchanted.

How can these insights revitalize your relationships?

WILD AT HEART is not about things men can do to be better. It is a book about the recovery and liberation of a man’s heart, his passion and his true nature. It is an invitation and a how-to guide for a man to venture into the highlands of the soul, into wild and unexplored regions, and claim his heart.

Eldredge invites women to discover the secret of a man’s soul and revel in the strength and debauchery that men were created to offer. Eldredge concludes that men, women, and children will be happier and healthier when men are wild at heart. He uses biblical references to back up his recommendations, but his knowledge transcends any religious limit.


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