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Wooden Stairs vs. Concrete Stairs

Wood is a material that has won the hearts of many homeowners when it comes to their interiors and furniture. Every home is bound to have something that is made of wood. After all, it is a very classic material. Wood is eternally beautiful. Even when it comes to stairs, wood still plays a key role in most homes, and to further reinforce that, here are the advantages of a wood vs. concrete staircase:

Wood is definitely safer to use. In fact, it is better to fall on the wooden stairs than on the concrete ones. The reason behind this is quite obvious, wood offers better cushioning in case something falls on it. In fact, this is good news for homes with young children who tend to fall on a regular basis. Your chances of developing fractures and the like are reduced when you use wooden stairs.

If you’re also talking about the construction point of view, stair builders have a split preference when it comes to wood vs. concrete debate, although most say that concrete is easier to work with. Also, wood planks are more expensive if you replace them than if you redo a concrete mix.

When it comes to interior stairs, wood definitely sets a homey vibe to complete the look of a house. Have you ever noticed that welcoming feeling you get in a house with lots of wooden furniture? The same goes for stairs made of wood, nothing spells “home” better than wood. It displays a welcoming hue as opposed to the hard, condescending aura of concrete. For offices, concrete spells “corporate” quite well, but wood can also add a touch of zen, something the office could use to reduce stress in the area.

The wood alternative will also cause less and be easier to renovate and change compared to the concrete version. Renovating and fixing the staircase will be easier if it is made of wood. In the event that your wood stair needs repair, you can visit your local store or a trusted online stair parts supplier to get the quality stair parts you deserve at a reasonable price.

Speaking of price, keep in mind that wooden stair pieces are more expensive and also cost more money, time, and effort to maintain and keep them beautiful.

At the end of the day, it still depends on which wood or concrete attributes you prioritize. Your ladder is your investment. Make it count.


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