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Health Fitness

Fitbug vs Bodymedia Product Review

While they won’t lose weight for you, digital body trackers are hands down the best way to record your progress so you know what part of your regimen is working and what isn’t. The importance of this information cannot be overstated: Regardless of what diet you’re on, there’s no other way to accurately gauge your body’s reaction beyond the cold numbers on your bathroom scale.

While some devices are designed just for weight loss, others are useful as fitness trackers and for basic raw data collection. The product you choose will probably depend on how you want to use it. While most devices collect similar data, the way the data is presented can vary widely. In this article we will compare the Fitbug body tracker with the Bodymedia system.


Fitbug is a weight loss system designed to be easy to use. The idea is that you wear a clip-on pedometer to record steps taken and calories burned during various activities throughout the day. This information is then uploaded to a website where it is analyzed and processed by technicians. The end product is a weekly/monthly report that offers a personalized fitness plan as well as nutritional goals.

One thing to note is that the pedometer records only steps taken and calories burned. This is not the whole picture, as the speed, strength, and chemical properties of the food/supplements you consume are not measured. With that said, this is a complete system that makes it easy to track your progress. The interface is designed to keep information clear and concise. This unit costs around $140 for a year of membership, including the device. Alternatively, users can make an initial payment of $90 and pay an additional $8 per month for the program.


The Bodymedia wristband device is probably the most accurate system on the market when it comes to body trackers. The manufacturer rates 95% accuracy based on thousands of data points collected every minute. While you still don’t get the full picture, this system is more comprehensive than Fitbug. Another major selling point for this product is that it is the only body tracker backed by the FDA.

The idea for both of these devices is the same: data is collected online and presented in a way that makes it easy to track your weight loss progress and nutritional goals. None of these products is best at providing raw data on how the body is working. Instead, they are best used specifically as weight loss aids. Bodymedia costs around $200 plus $6.95 a month for an online subscription. Keep an eye out for occasional Bodymedia coupons that can offer you spectacular savings.


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