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Internet basics: a content management system is like an interior decorator

Have you ever seen an interior decorator at work? They go into a house and move things around, get rid of old things, bring in new things, and maybe even add new rooms. They do everything with ease and pleasure. They are masters at changing things and making them look like this.

This is what a content management system looks like (except it doesn’t work in your home, it works on your website).

With a content management system (CMS), you can change the content of your website whenever and however you want:

Change the text

· Add / change photos / logos, etc.

Add or remove web pages

And a content management system that is good will be WYSIWYG (pronounced wizzywig). WYSIWYG stands for “What you see is what you get”, which means you just have to drag and drop things where you want, and all the coding necessary to make things look like this on your website is done automatically without you having to know. or understand it.

If it sounds great, that’s because it is.

So why don’t most people have a content management system for their website?

Because until recently, they were too expensive for the average website owner. But now there are many companies that offer content management system services and they are divided into two types:

Hosted solutions: the company has its own software installed on its own servers. You log into their website and use their software to change your website.

· Software solutions: you buy software to install on your computer. The software allows you to open your web pages online and change them instantly. A great example of this is a MacroMedia product called Contribute – it’s easy to use and very affordable!

Whether you choose a hosted or software solution, you’ll love having the ability to make your website exactly the way you want it, quickly and easily.

And that is why a content management system is like an interior decorator.


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