
The Perfect Tech Experience

Digital Marketing

Not all marketing consultants are the same

In my interviews, people discover through (HMA) Hidden Marketing Assets, how to attract the customer. How to design a system specifically for them and implement it over time, typically within 3-6 months. These results come through a systematic series of proven steps.

What consultants do is develop a unique selling proposition. Several of the top companies have excellent USPs and take Toyota which is recognized as number one due to reliability. Solid Comfort, the furniture manufacturer says in its USP: “Delivery on time 99.9% of the time”. This was just one point in his Ten Point Promise.

Another USP would be: “We offer a 10-point Reliability Promise to help you increase your profits.” This USP is helping to set record sales 2 years in a row for Solid Comfort. They have it integrated into their brochure. They have it built into their business cards and on their website. I must stress to HMA consultants that the beauty of this marketing system is that steps 1 and 2 (of 8) can have such a powerful impact; USP and Integration.

Even call-in salespeople now talk about their “on-time delivery guarantee.”

I would also say as we learn over the years. That through all these stories and case studies, there have been some consultants who have failed and some HMA consultants will fail. There will be some USPs that don’t work. If I had to identify the number one reason it’s not working, it’s that the sales people haven’t avoided it and sold to customers.


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