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Health Fitness

The most important key to quickly rehabilitating a sprained ankle

Typically, there is only one thing that prevents an athlete from starting rehab and that is…swelling in the ankle joint.

So, to start rehab right away (after the doctor has confirmed you don’t have any structural damage, like torn ligaments or broken bones), you need to reduce the swelling.

Most doctors promote the RICE program: rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

This method is fine if you’re a couch potato, but most active people want to take steps to rehab their ankle.

Ice is critical to reducing swelling and using an ice whirlpool definitely has advantages over ice in a bucket because heat is removed from the ankle much faster.

But ice is not enough… you must use your muscles and a biomechanical movement to force the swelling out of the ankle joint.

The problem with moving your ankle to reduce swelling is the pain you experience as a result of your injury. The pain prevents you from moving your ankle and foot, which will help you get better faster.

One place you can start the movement that will help you get rid of the swelling is to move your foot in big circles and up and down while you have it in the ice bath.

Ice is used as an anesthetic, it doesn’t really help reduce swelling more than it constricts the blood vessels, so there is less blood in the damaged area.

The movement of your ankle is the key. The more you move it (especially when you are supporting your own weight), the faster the swelling will go down and the faster you can begin to rehab it.

You don’t have to settle for the RICE protocol. You can speed up your healing.

I recently created 8 videos that answer the questions most people ask when they sprain their ankles. You can find them on Youtube. Just go to the following link: Ankle sprain videos

All videos are free and can help you understand how to get your ankle back in shape as quickly as possible.

Good luck and quick recovery…


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