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The power of observation in creative writing

Creativity is not just about being eloquent about the beauty of a
forest stream or a rugged shoreline. In fact, the hardest
creativity is usually the most rewarding: being creative with the everyday
life aspects. That means being aware of everything, and I
mean all — Around you.

Start with this exercise:

Sit in a park, the mall, Starbucks, wherever there are lots of
sights, smells, sounds. Use all five senses to observe your surroundings.
Do you hear the scrape of dry leaves or the hiss of espresso?
machine? Do you smell the richness of moist earth or the scent of
coffee, or you’re overwhelmed by the cologne of the man sitting next to you
you? How does the bench, chair, or floor feel under you?
Take it all. Then write!

Find the best word to describe each sight, smell, gesture,
sensation, sound and anything else you can think of. if your writing is
missing any of the five senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch and even
test – go back and rework it.

Creativity through observation is a lot of work, but once you’ve mastered
her, your writing will be even richer and more rewarding by the addition.


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