
The Perfect Tech Experience

Health Fitness

Why is it important to stretch before exercising?

Honestly, I HATE stretching. I mean, come on… as if it wasn’t enough that I’m ALREADY late for the gym, and I don’t have enough time for my workout, do I really have to spare a few minutes just to stretch?

The answer is yes. You simply have to add stretching to your physical training. A full body stretch can be done in as little as 10 minutes!

What are the benefits? Just to name a few:

– Tight and tired muscles are less able to perform required skills/movements, stretching helps you relax

– Stretching can help prevent injury by aiding recovery and decreasing pain

– Stretching ensures that your muscles/tendons are in good working order. The more conditioned they are, the better they will be able to handle the stress of their sport and exercise.

Based on my experience, I have actually had a significant increase in upper body strength in just a few weeks after incorporating a stretching routine into my workouts. (Yes, I used to avoid stretching for the first few years of exercise… I’m only human :P)

How do I stretch?

I use the Trebistretch machine (see picture above – Fitness First has them, not sure about the others). These machines make stretching easy and have an attached instruction board that guides you through the steps to achieve a full body stretch. As for me, I usually only stretch the part of the body that I am working on that day. So for example, if I’m working on my back today, I’ll just stretch my back. I love these machines because they are a safe and easy way to help you stretch. In fact, sometimes I stretch out so much (especially my back) that the feeling is almost orgasmic, I SWEAR!

Now, a common mistake that people ALMOST ALWAYS make is that they tend to jerk their movements and only hold the stretch for a few seconds.

Now hear me out: it’s IMPORTANT to carefully and slowly move into the stretched position, and once you’re there, hold it for a good 20-30 seconds before slowly returning to the position. Only then will you reap the benefits of stretching.

There you have it. My take on stretching?

Stretching is important, and it’s a simple and effective (and FREE!) method that will help you improve your overall performance in your area of ​​sport.

Happy stretching!


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