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ITP: 15 Steps to Help Low Blood Platelets With Food, Supplements, and Lifestyle Changes

I and many other natural practitioners strongly believe that ITP and cancer are all related to some degree. They all stem from chronic inflammation and a breakdown of the immune system. The body is a complete organism and wages all-out war against any possible culprits or offenders. In addition to taking things to improve our health and increase platelets, we also need to eliminate those things from our lives that may be causing us harm, and then give the body a chance to heal itself. We are a pretty amazing self-healing organism given half the chance.

Here is a simple list of 15 steps you can take to help heal your PTI.

Get rid of as many chemical toxins as possible from my body care and household products. The toxic load carried by the human race is of epic proportions and we were not designed to tolerate all of these chemicals.

Increase your intake of high-quality supplements, especially coenzyme Q10, selenium, zinc, melatonin, vitamin a, d, and e. Take a separate vitamin B3 (niacinimide) supplement. B3 has anti-cancer/anti-inflammatory properties.

I would take a daily megadose of ascorbic acid – 12 grams if you can tolerate it. Ascorbic acid protects plasma lipids against oxidative damage, destroying free radicals. Ascorbic acid also decreases the toxicity of drugs used in chemotherapy and reduces the effects of radiation.

Eliminate all dairy from your diet

Eat at least three RAW garlic cloves a day. (cut it and put it all)

Avoid sugar like the plague. That also means anything that contains high fructose corn syrup. In reality, it is poison to your system. Use honey sparingly or use stevia.

Eliminate all refined grains from your diet. For example: processed breads, cereals, white rice, etc. Completely eliminate all wheat products, whether refined or unrefined.

Avoid all food additives.

Take a good probiotic supplement

Eat at least 60% of your diet in raw foods. for organic. (In other words, eat as close to natural as possible. If it’s processed, stay away! Eat simple food combinations. For example: a green salad, with a piece of grilled chicken, or lean meat with a little brown rice or a steamed vegetable Keep it simple and easy on your digestion.

Drink a green drink daily with fresh juice from organic carrots, wheatgrass, and any other green vegetables you may have. Celery is good, but make sure it’s definitely organic, as it retains the pesticides in the membranes (in other words, the pesticides don’t wash off). Add some raw cacao to your drink (it has 30 times more antioxidants than green tea).

Drink half your body weight in ounces of pure water that does not contain fluoride or chlorine. A squeeze of fresh lemon juice in your water will help flush out toxins and alkalize your system.

Take a very good quality cod liver oil or flax seed supplement in liquid form, not capsules (although there are some brands of fish oil capsules that are good, be sure to do your research though).

Take a mushroom capsule supplement. However, not just any mushroom. Look for a supplement that contains the following:




cloud (coriole)


4 to 8 capsules a day with water. These mushrooms are extremely rich in glyconutrients and are one of the true superfoods available. They help balance the immune system and have even been known to help cure cancer and other autoimmune disorders.

As a side note… the biggest problem with any of these autoimmune diseases, including ITP and cancer, is that if you don’t really find out what the root cause is, you can never be properly cured. All your good intentions may not be enough if you don’t know what is causing your system to fail. It is even possible that your body is simply intolerant of something that is perceived to be good for you. There is nothing better to know. Which is why I was so grateful to have found my naturopath who uses DNA testing and heavy metal testing to get to the bottom of Viv’s ITP.


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